
Reimagining (dynamic) service delivery

Respond to service disruption with the new, adaptive, Dynamic Delivery model The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives and businesses. While there are signs of stabilization in many areas, what eventually emerges from the chaos will inevitably be a very different normal. Businesses are adapting to new ways of getting work done as they pivot from […]

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The financial services industry is facing several disruptive forces

The financial services industry is facing several disruptive forces Ever-increasing customer demand for new innovative products & services and competition from financial technology (FinTech) companies rises the regulatory pressure and increases cybersecurity breaches. Banking in the Nordics has been at the forefront of the digitalization transformation. There is increasing competition from FinTechs as they are […]

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Transform your call-center to a customer-engagement center

Transform your call-center to a customer-engagement center Covid-19 has created a surge of customers calling their insurance companies, travel agencies, on-line retailers, unemployment services, and other public citizen services, etc.  In Denmark,  insurance companies have reported that they in 2 months in 2020 have received as many calls as they did for the whole of […]

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Startup with IBM Accelerator Sweden now released

A digital release On, Tuesday, May 26th, 2020, a virtual event took place, which included startups, corporate peers, and industry hubs. When the release of Startup with IBM Accelerator Sweden was finally here, we were thrilled. Sharing how we contribute to the industry during tough times and welcoming more collaborations, was something we had been […]

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The most secure Enterprise Cloud platform designed to scale your business

Do you need the ultimate public cloud for your business that covers the new data protection and has security leadership, open source innovation, and more enterprise grade capabilities? Until recently it was enough that you could migrate relatively simple applications and workloads to the cloud. Public cloud has been used until recently mostly to test […]

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With AI and Project Debater, IBMers InnovationJammed about new strategies after Covid-19

On May 12 -14 IBM employees ‘InnovationJammed’ about, where and how the company can and should innovate and transform itself after the crisis and to address customer’s new, disrupted situation and IBM’s own changed reality. Don’t know what an ‘IBM InnovationJam is?’ Under the title ‘Think Forward 2020’, we,  employees of IBM worldwide, were invited […]

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Seizing the data advantage

The IBM Institute for Business Value has recently published the report “Seizing the data advantage“. The insights provided draw upon answers from more than 13,000 C-suite executives on what it takes to lead in a world full of bytes, data, and new emerging technologies. In the report, the researchers identified a small group of enterprises that stand out from […]

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5G and Edge Computing – so what?

The rollout of wireless 5G telecommunications networks, and the emergence of advanced, high capacity edge computing, will become a driver for a flood of new business opportunities and models. Thus, manufacturers, electronics producers, service providers, governments, and more, should already now take the technologies into consideration when re-evaluating their business and product strategies. In the […]

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The Rise of the Risk Manager in Business

The unpleasant surprise and disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic have put a finger on a soft spot of most companies’ risk management and possibly also lack of resiliency and agility when an unwanted, unexpected critical event occurs. Risk managers, if any exist in the organization, tend to live their careers in the back-office, mainly for […]

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