
IBM Blockchain: Ending seafood fraud

Back in February, I wrote about the collaboration between IBM Food Trust and Farmer Connect that connects coffee farmers and consumers. Today, I would like to showcase another great example of IBM providing cutting-edge blockchain-technological capabilities in the food industry. Salmon isn’t just salmon Kvarøy Arctic, a large producer of Norwegian farmed salmon, announced recently […]

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Why is Iceland the best fit for sustainable IT?

Today, our highly digitized society processes data on a constant basis from technologies such as AI, blockchain, machine learning, IoT, and the like. This global trend is not forecasted to slow down, but rather continue to increase at a rapid rate, inducing a pressure on identifying apt facilities, i.e. data centers, to uphold these advancements. […]

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With AI and Project Debater, IBMers InnovationJammed about new strategies after Covid-19

On May 12 -14 IBM employees ‘InnovationJammed’ about, where and how the company can and should innovate and transform itself after the crisis and to address customer’s new, disrupted situation and IBM’s own changed reality. Don’t know what an ‘IBM InnovationJam is?’ Under the title ‘Think Forward 2020’, we,  employees of IBM worldwide, were invited […]

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IBM Cloud is the perfect engine to power the world’s largest weather websites

To achieve scale and flexibility the Weather Company decided to move to a new cloud provider. Business Problem The Weather Company, an IBM Business has 30 million daily users operating on its website. However, in peak hours, the number can increase to 100 million users. The website must consequently provide instant insights to the large […]

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5G and Edge Computing – so what?

The rollout of wireless 5G telecommunications networks, and the emergence of advanced, high capacity edge computing, will become a driver for a flood of new business opportunities and models. Thus, manufacturers, electronics producers, service providers, governments, and more, should already now take the technologies into consideration when re-evaluating their business and product strategies. In the […]

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Understand public cloud and its capabilities

Public cloud gives developers the possibility to provision resources on-demand and only pay for what they use, but what makes up a public cloud? Recently, I argued why IBM Public Cloud is unique and what makes it an industry-leading platform for businesses to run their applications. In this blog, I will help you break down […]

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Get Ready for Round 2 of the Webinar Series: How Nordic Companies Are Using IBM Solutions

In May and June, we will continue our successful weekly webinar series of How Nordic Companies Are Using IBM Solutions that we kicked off in April with its first four events. We are very excited to share the upcoming four events with you, which include various subjects on how to optimize your company by utilizing […]

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The Rise of the Risk Manager in Business

The unpleasant surprise and disruption from the COVID-19 pandemic have put a finger on a soft spot of most companies’ risk management and possibly also lack of resiliency and agility when an unwanted, unexpected critical event occurs. Risk managers, if any exist in the organization, tend to live their careers in the back-office, mainly for […]

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How a virtual assistant can help you

Do you ever think about how you approach navigating a website that you haven’t used before?  Do you tend to start by navigating through the menus? Do you instantly go for the search field? Maybe you try the chatbot or virtual assistant if there is one. Naturally, it depends on your purpose for using the […]

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