
Mer kraft till att förvandla din Cloud verksamhet

BIG Data och Cloud applikationer är under konstant tryck att kunna levereras snabbare, säkrare och med optimal effektivitet. Tjänsteleverantörer för Cloud måte garantera prestanda och säkerhet. Möter din infrastruktur den växande efterfrågan från din kund gällande dennes förväntningar på databehandling och aggressiva applikationstjänster? Se hur IBM Power Systems kan hjälpa dig att möta dessa utmaningar […]

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Skyen er ikke one size fits all

Næste generation af DIN cloud-forretning Udviklingen inden for cloud-opgaver har ændret Service Providers’ cloud-forretning samt kundernes efterspørgsel. Virksomheder, som investerer i ny teknologi, kan nu tilbyde mere avancerede og omkostningseffektive løsninger til deres kunder, og opnår derved en konkurencemæssig fordel. Hvordan kan din virksomhed tilbyde en skalerbar infrastruktur, som er dynamisk nok til at imødekomme […]

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How technology can help Utility companies keep the power customers

“How’s the weather?” is an everyday question. But that question can generate potentially devastating answers in today’s energy-hungry world. When temperatures soar or lightning strikes, energy and utility companies may have to scramble to meet air conditioning power demands or restore electricity to thousands of businesses, homes and families. According to a study of US […]

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21-25 February 2016: Register for IBM Interconnect 2016 conference Premier Cloud

Register for the IBM Cloud and Mobile Conference in Las Vegas Join us February 21-25 at the MGM Grand & Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV for our InterConnect 2016 conference.InterConnect offers a unique educational experience tailored to your needs with more than 2,000 sessions. From business breakout sessions to hands-on technical explorations, the InterConnect […]

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IBM’s CEO on hackers: “Cyber crime is the greatest threat to every company in the world”

The British insurance company Lloyd’s estimates that cyber attacks cost businesses as much as $400 billion a year, which includes direct damage plus post-attack disruption to the normal course of business. Some vendor and media forecasts put the cybercrime figure as high as $500 billion and more. The World Economic Forum (WEF) says a significant […]

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IBM’s CEO on hackers: “Cyber crime is the greatest threat to every company in the world”

The British insurance company Lloyd’s estimates that cyber attacks cost businesses as much as $400 billion a year, which includes direct damage plus post-attack disruption to the normal course of business. Some vendor and media forecasts put the cybercrime figure as high as $500 billion and more. The World Economic Forum (WEF) says a significant […]

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Watch the video interview with IBM’S CEO Ginni on IBM’S Biggest transformation and investments made in 100 years

Watch the video interview here with IBM’S CEO Ginni Rometty on IBM’S Biggest business transformation ever in 100 years:

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Free webinar on Big Data on Bluemix on Wednesday December 2nd

On Wednesday 2nd December, our Bluemix Dutch team will organize a free webinar on Big Data on Bluemix. You are invited to attend. For free registration just click here and register. We hope to see you than. Best regards, Jean-Claude Chan 02 Dec, 2015 11:00 AMAmsterdam BIGDATA SERVICE OP BLUEMIX

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Top Internet of Things tutorials

Looking for valuable content to help you develop Internet of Things applications? I selected three popular tutorials on a variety of subjects. Here’s just a glimpse of what’s available from our IBM developerWorks Internet of Things zone. This selection has something for everyone: using your mobile phone as an IoT device, using Docker containers to […]

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