
InterConnect 2016: Opening General Session

Short recap of the InterConnect at Las Vegas written by Dan Kehn A quick recap of this morning’s general session! For the full replay, go to IBMgo. To emphasize the point that InterConnect is really owned by customers, the session was opened by a trio of IBM clients: Westpac, SIEMENS, and Alpha Modus. Alpha Modus […]

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Learn more about “Domain-Driven Data – Matching Databases to Data Problems” and about our ecosystem and offerings

Learn more about our ecosystem and offerings by attending a webinar on February 18, “Domain-Driven Data – Matching Databases to Data Problems.” We’ll walk through the development of a customer-facing mobile app., and show how both full-stack developers and data scientists can work together to easily move data across databases and development everyone works […]

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Go for the storage upgrade that gives you more business

Take on new challenges with our complete cost-efficient solution. IBM Flash System gives service providers many advantages. Optimise performance. Take on unexpected workloads of any rate. Convenient control. Unified management tools make it simple to oversee environments. Interoperability. Not just for IBM storage infrastructures. ESG have showcased the advantages IBM Flash Storage can bring for […]

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Differentier dig fra konkurrenten med Security Intelligence

Nedenfor kan du se en 3-minutters video med vores kunde, KocSistem, en førende IT Service Provider, som har integreret IBM’s security intelligence-løsning, QRader. Du kan bl.a. høre om de mange fordele der er ved at udnytte den skalerbare “multi-tenant”-platform. Kundereference (3:20 min). Du kan også få din helt egen prøve på QRadar, og se om […]

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We are pleased to invite you to: Flash & Taco Friday!

We are pleased to invite you to an IBM FlashSystem seminar, where we will take you behind the curtains of our market leading All-Flash product and share experience from local deployments in gaming, casino and banking industry. Speaker: Henrik Warfvinge, IBM Storage Architect Date: 29th January Time: 11:15 – 13:30 Location: Openlab, Valhallavägen 79, Stockholm […]

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Undvik fallgropar i den mobila åldern

Hur du förbättrar din mobila säkerhet. Med den fortsatta övergången till att arbeta från mobila enheter kan det vara en utmaning för tjänsteleverantörer att hålla sig uppdaterad gällande sårbarheterna som förs in företagsnätverk vilket är en utmaning som påverkar både dig och dina kunder. Surfplattor och smarta telefoner kan vara de svagaste punkterna i ett […]

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How to improve your Mobile Security

Security and MaaS360 With the continuing shift to working from mobile devices, it can be a challenge for service providers to keep on top of the vulnerabilities brought into business networks; a challenge which affects both you and your customers. Tablets and smartphones can be the weakest spots of a company’s network if left unprotected. […]

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Best of Bluemix: Bouwen van life-saving apps, integreren van Minecraft met Watson en migreren LAMP app

This post regularly showcases some of the best new Bluemix tutorials, videos, and other content published each week on developerWorks. We’ve published scads of helpful (and fun!) Bluemix content since I last posted. Here’s a round-up of some of our favorites: Build life-saving, world-changing apps with Bluemix: In this video for developers, IBM Distinguished Engineer […]

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Find din virksomheds fremtid i Data Analytics

Kampagneresultater, konverteringsrater, testmarkeder og feedback fra kunder. Det er alle vigtige variabler, som en virksomhed tager med i regnestykket, når de planlægger deres næste kampagne. Hvad nu hvis alt dette var tilgængeligt med et enkelt klik, og med et simpelt, grafisk interface? Det er det nu. På den måde kan din virksomhed træffe data-drevne beslutninger, […]

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