
EVRY and IBM partner to accelerate cloud adoption

For some businesses, cloud adoption has been a complex process. It isn’t something they feel confident doing alone. They usually need some help. Located in Oslo, Norway, EVRY ASA is a business solutions and consulting company that serves financial institutions, national public sector entities, municipalities and health authorities in the public and private sectors. EVRY’s […]

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IBM Software Defined Storage allows you to eat while you transform

The winning car manufacturer of tomorrow is the one delivering the prime digital platform, rather than the one delivering the prime driving experience. In retail, healthcare, government and financial services everybody is reconsidering traditional delivery models, investing in Omni-channel to improve client experience and client loyalty. Regardless of industry there is change (or disruption as […]

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IBM Think 2018

The IBM Think 2018 is IBM’s largest and most important conference in 2018, and it will form an unprecedented technology event. Think about it … AI, Cloud, Data, IOT, Systems, Service and Security have merged in our world, and with this it is important to reflect on how we use these advances in technology in […]

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Next Me – Business Partner Summit in Copenhagen

Every year IBM Denmark hosts a conference for all IBM Business partners – the theme of this years Business Summit 2017 is “Next is Now”, which will focus on how future technologies give new business opportunities to generate change and growth. The event will be held Tuesday the 30th of May 2017 – from 9.00 […]

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Chatbots Webinar

Chatbots – You have heard so much about them, but how do you really use them to enhance your apps and get them deployed quickly? Moreover, how do you use them to enhance your business? Join my colleague Gianluca Interino and I, Wednesday the 24th to find out!  Here, we will host an one hour […]

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2017 IBM Systems Technical University

2017 marks the 23rd year of the IBM Systems Technical Universities. Each year, thousands of “techies” return to these global training events to grow their skills in IBM z Systems, IBM Power Systems and IBM Storage. The reasons for such impressive attendee loyalty all focus on the unbeatable technical content. You are invited to attend […]

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IBM Security Services

IBM Security Services offers the world’s broadest and best-in-class portfolio of security services to help customers optimize their security program with skills to address modern day risks, stop advanced threats, protect data, and safeguard cloud or mobile. We enable clients to access the right skills, reduce complexity, gain access to global threat intelligence, build secure […]

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IBM InterConnect 2017

IBM InterConnect 2017 in Las Vegas was a huge success with more than 20.000 participants. The Nordic region had the largest delegation of customers and Business Partners from any market outside US, and we had a long list of Nordic customer and Business Partner speakers at the open sessions at the conference. If you missed […]

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ISS Turns to IBM Watson IoT to Transform Management of 25,000 Buildings Worldwide

ISS will use IBM’s Watson IoT platform, through consulting and advanced facilities management technologies to transform the services it provides to building owners and users around the world with the goal of making building more personalized, intuitive and user-friendly. Working with IBM’s Watson IoT platform, ISS will  integrate and analyse data from millions of devices […]

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