
Webinar: How AI makes GDPR-compliance possible for your unstructured data.

In this webinar Aigine will discuss how AI makes GDPR compliance possible for your unstructured data. The following subjects will be discussed throughout the webinar: GDPR introduces new definitions for personal data and data source, creating a giant work load for all organizations. Aigine combines a digital process with artificial intelligence and a contextual knowledge […]

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Post The GDPR Compliance Deadline – Are all companies now GDPR Compliant?

Interestingly in relation to this question a surprising number of companies believe they are not compliant according to research carried  out by TrustArc and published on July 12th. Below are some of the interesting findings they got: Only 20% of those surveyed believe they are compliant. In fact 27% have not yet started the implementation. […]

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The median number of vulnerabilities in mobile apps tested

According to Codedx, 2017 was no stranger to application security threats, with some of the biggest hacks, to date, taking place. In fact, during the third quarter of 2017 there were  more than 230 million web application attacks on websites in the U.S. Despite these figures, a 2017 study on mobile and IoT application security […]

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Media Retention – a step towards GDPR compliance!

In the eve of the new GDPR legislation, it is more important than ever to make your customer data your top priority. With IBM’s Media Retention service you have greater control over sensitive data by helping you keep your failed media components. With Media Retention you can better manage regulatory compliance to avoid GDPR related […]

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GDPR in a staged approach with a Security perspective

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) going into effect in May of 2018, companies managing EU residents’ data are racing to meet compliance. The GDPR addresses many aspects in the field of privacy and security and it gets overwhelming and difficult to sort out where to start to get compliant. In this webinar, May […]

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Data is the new “gold” and therefore you should protect it

Do not panic on account of  the new EU data privacy regulations – but get started now…! To many companies, the demands of the new EU data regulation may seem overwhelming. But if you use a structured approach this is a good medicine against GDPR data-panic. In less than a year, the new regulation in […]

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Creating Value with General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) seeks to create a  data protection law framework across the EU while aiming to give citizens back the control of their personal data, whilst imposing strict rules on those hosting and ‘processing’ this data, anywhere in the world. The Regulation also introduces rules relating to the free movement of personal […]

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483 days left

On May 25 2018 the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect. But what do you actually know about the consequences it will have for your business? How will a potential vulnerability affect the enterprise with the implementation of GDPR? The control of incoming and outgoing data traffic can have vulnerabilities, and so […]

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