
En data-drevet markedsføring?

Brug mindre tid på at analysere, og mere tid på markedsføring Få hurtige og visuelle insights, som giver dig mulighed for at få større digital markedsføringssucces. Nedenfor er et par eksempler på, hvordan din virksomhed kan hurtigt og simpelt identificere styrker, svagheder og skjulte trends. Faktorer, som i sidste ende kan hjælpe jeres virksomhed med […]

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How to improve your Mobile Security

Security and MaaS360 With the continuing shift to working from mobile devices, it can be a challenge for service providers to keep on top of the vulnerabilities brought into business networks; a challenge which affects both you and your customers. Tablets and smartphones can be the weakest spots of a company’s network if left unprotected. […]

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Find din virksomheds fremtid i Data Analytics

Kampagneresultater, konverteringsrater, testmarkeder og feedback fra kunder. Det er alle vigtige variabler, som en virksomhed tager med i regnestykket, når de planlægger deres næste kampagne. Hvad nu hvis alt dette var tilgængeligt med et enkelt klik, og med et simpelt, grafisk interface? Det er det nu. På den måde kan din virksomhed træffe data-drevne beslutninger, […]

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Skyen er ikke one size fits all

Næste generation af DIN cloud-forretning Udviklingen inden for cloud-opgaver har ændret Service Providers’ cloud-forretning samt kundernes efterspørgsel. Virksomheder, som investerer i ny teknologi, kan nu tilbyde mere avancerede og omkostningseffektive løsninger til deres kunder, og opnår derved en konkurencemæssig fordel. Hvordan kan din virksomhed tilbyde en skalerbar infrastruktur, som er dynamisk nok til at imødekomme […]

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21-25 February 2016: Register for IBM Interconnect 2016 conference Premier Cloud

Register for the IBM Cloud and Mobile Conference in Las Vegas Join us February 21-25 at the MGM Grand & Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, NV for our InterConnect 2016 conference.InterConnect offers a unique educational experience tailored to your needs with more than 2,000 sessions. From business breakout sessions to hands-on technical explorations, the InterConnect […]

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Download the inspiring Bluemix whitepaper :Bluemix as snackable software

Please read the inspiring Bluemix whitepaper written by IBM Bluemix Busines partner E-office in The Netherlands Rene Paul 11 november 2015 | 101 keer bekeken Whether you are a mature organization which needs to be and remain flexible to prevent disruption, or a start-up wanting to test something in no-time and without major investments […]

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Real-time insights skabte vinderstrategi for amerikansk tech-virksomhed

Insights som øgede rentabiliteten Et skifte til en mere datadrevet strategi skabte værdifulde resultater for den cloud-baserede IT-virksomhed, Carbonite. Deres nye analytics-platform har forenet deres online- og offlineverden, ved at konvertere real-time insights til salgsmuligheder og har derudover afledt: Reducering af kundeafgang til en værdi af $4 millioner USD Genereret yderligere $1 million USD i […]

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Flexible Scalable Security Solution for service providers

The flexible and scalable security solution for service providers According to Gartner’s study ‘Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management’, IBM is the leader in SIEM. QRadar is a flexible multi-tenancy solution, designed to lower expenditure while providing up-to-date protection. Our three-minute video shows how a serviceprovider can establish security intelligence. Watch our video […]

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Claim you Early Bird discount now!

Early Bird discount end Nov. 30th! Register now and save! Discover the solutions, strategies and proven techniques that will help you focus on work that matters. Save $200 with the Early Bird discount Connect alumni save an additional $100 with code IBMC16ALUM Learn more at ibm/connect

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