
Frokostseminar med IBM og Cleversafes Storage-eksperter i Holte/København

Massiv interesse for Object Storage i almindelighed og Cleversafe i særdeleshed gør, at IBM og IBM’s nyopkøbte Innovative Object Storage firma, “Cleversafe”, holder et frokostseminar om emnet den 17. marts fra kl.11.15 – 13:15 hos IBM i Holte/København. IBM’s Nordic Storage SDS Technology Advocate, Kim Gregers Petersen glæder sig til, at præsentere sidste nyt sammen […]

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Spend less, make more and move faster

Our video shows how a leading service provider slashed report processing time from six hours to just four minutes. This MSP attained a hundred-fold increase in analytics performance without any code change: ff any questions – you will be able to chat with me – click here.

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Learn more about “Domain-Driven Data – Matching Databases to Data Problems” and about our ecosystem and offerings

Learn more about our ecosystem and offerings by attending a webinar on February 18, “Domain-Driven Data – Matching Databases to Data Problems.” We’ll walk through the development of a customer-facing mobile app., and show how both full-stack developers and data scientists can work together to easily move data across databases and development everyone works […]

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InterConnect 2016

Attend InterConnect 2016 for an unrivailed opportunity to learn how you can build a better business with IBM. Please find below some highlights from the conference: 24.000 participants – and opportunity to expand your network Peer- to peer roundtables IBM EXPO Booth 2.000 sessions – business and technical hands-on sessions A lot of customer presentations […]

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Creating essential insights from agricultural data with Watson Analytics

Cognitive means how to you use existing information to create new knowledge. This is exactly what Mjölner informatics has done with Watson Analytics. Together with Seges – the danish farmers knowledge center – they used Watson Analytic as the tool in a workshop where they have explored the huge amount of data from the different […]

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Differentier dig fra konkurrenten med Security Intelligence

Nedenfor kan du se en 3-minutters video med vores kunde, KocSistem, en førende IT Service Provider, som har integreret IBM’s security intelligence-løsning, QRader. Du kan bl.a. høre om de mange fordele der er ved at udnytte den skalerbare “multi-tenant”-platform. Kundereference (3:20 min). Du kan også få din helt egen prøve på QRadar, og se om […]

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Sådan omsætter du data til forretningsværdi for dine kunder

Temaet for næste IBM Business Breakfast er analytics og big data, som bliver afholdt i Aarhus d. 3 februar og i Holte d. 4. Du får indblik i, hvilke nye forretningsmuligheder den datadrevne virksomhed åbner op for. Du møder specialister på området og IBM-partnere, der giver dig konkrete eksempler på, hvordan du kan tjene penge […]

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May the force be with Bluemix!

Hi All, For everyone who is fan Droids, this video item is very interesting to watch. How to mind control a robot! May the force be with Bluemix. #BluemixMindControl is a reality! Move a BB-8 Droid using Your Mind Video

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December 15, 2015 8:05 AM

More power to transform your Cloud business BIG Data and Cloud applications are under constant pressure to be delivered faster, more securely and with optimal efficiency. Cloud service providers must guarantee performance and security. Does your infrastructure meet the growing demands of your customer’s data processing expectations and aggressive application services? Watch how IBM Power […]

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