
We care 4 you

“Customer satisfaction is the most important thing for our company”. “Good customer satisfaction is an absolute prerequisite for growth and development”. Does it sound familiar? According to these strong statements, it could be assumed that customer satisfaction is a big investment in the company. However, considering the importance of the subject, customer satisfaction and its […]

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On Shoptalk 2017 – The next Generation of Retail is filled with AI

On October 8-11 2017 ShopTalk Europe was held in Copenhagen with a focus on the drivers of change in the retail industry. More than 225+ speakers and 2000 individuals were there to talk about how consumers discover, shop and buy in this digital era. It was rich on content with both retails, vendors and experts […]

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EVRY and IBM partner to accelerate cloud adoption

For some businesses, cloud adoption has been a complex process. It isn’t something they feel confident doing alone. They usually need some help. Located in Oslo, Norway, EVRY ASA is a business solutions and consulting company that serves financial institutions, national public sector entities, municipalities and health authorities in the public and private sectors. EVRY’s […]

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The cognitive vision for retail becomes reality

How would your marketing change if you had a cognitive analyst watching out for you, sharing real-time predictions and updates on performance metrics? Cognitive marketing and AI have been one of the hottest topics in the retail sector these past few years. Now, after much talking about the possibilities that new cognitive thinking offers for […]

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Why no customer is safe from attack

  Across the globe, data breaches are getting bigger, more sophisticated and are happening more often. From banks to dating websites, no organisation is safe from the threat of cybercrime, and so it’s essential that service providers keep right up-to-date with developments in security and pass them on to their customers. This infographic provides a […]

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Make Better Decisions with Customer Analytics

In a world filled with information, data intelligence is vital for your company’s continued progress. Customers are more empowered and connected than ever, with unlimited access to information anytime and anywhere. Their expectations are high, and their buying choices are based on positive interactions with your brand. In order to outperform competitors you thus have […]

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