Students are enhancing their own User Experience with Innovation, AI and IBM volunteers

Covid-19 has moved our case program from the classroom to behind webcams. But that certainly does not mean that our level of ambition has lowered. This year, we are again collaborating with the boarding school for Entrepreneurship and Design; New Nordic Youth in Halsnæs municipality. New Nordic Youth (NNY) is an independent boarding school for […]

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IBM & DRC – Where Technology meets Humanity

Mixed Migration Foresight How has the Danish Refugee Council been awarded an Impact Grant through IBM’s CSR program? This is through the project  Mixed Migration Foresight (MM4Sight) that aims at developing conceptual, tech-driven, probabilistic methodology utilizing fact-based datasets from multiple sources and combined with first hand observations and expert judgment. The intend with the project […]

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Help finding your post summer motivation

… and what Philanthropy and Sweden’s summer wildfires has to do about it What a summer! Coming back from vacation you see more smiling faces than usually in the usual catch-up conversations. But how do you bounce back from a summer like this? Maybe you had time, like I had, to do more than soak […]

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