
IBM & EnterpriseDB Nordic Roadshow

IBM and EnterpriseDB | The Postgres Database Company | has joined forces to create the best Postgres database platform in the market. Combining EDBs database with IBMs OpenPower servers designed for big data, offers the best price/performance for  clients looking to deploy the next generation applications. We are pleased to invite you to a half-day […]

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IBM establishes Client Innovation Center in Copenhagen, Denmark – January 2017

IBM is significantly expanding its portfolio in Denmark by creating a new innovation center in Copenhagen. The new center in Denmark will focus on big data, analytics, cognitive solutions, mobile apps, Internet of Things, blockchain and next generation ERP. The keywords for the new center is innovation and entrepreneurship. In this way we wish to […]

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IBM Watson at the GoTo Conference in Copenhagen

Most of us met IBM’s cognitive supercomputer “Watson” for the first time at the special Jeopardy show in 2011,  competing – and beating – two former Jeopardy champions. But the real work began after the match – extending Watson’s innovative technologies to tackle societal challenges like improving health care, education and the environment. Watson has […]

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Frokostseminar med IBM og Cleversafes Storage-eksperter i Holte/København

Massiv interesse for Object Storage i almindelighed og Cleversafe i særdeleshed gør, at IBM og IBM’s nyopkøbte Innovative Object Storage firma, “Cleversafe”, holder et frokostseminar om emnet den 17. marts fra kl.11.15 – 13:15 hos IBM i Holte/København. IBM’s Nordic Storage SDS Technology Advocate, Kim Gregers Petersen glæder sig til, at præsentere sidste nyt sammen […]

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