
Analytics and cognitive computing are becoming increasingly important components of digital operations

The use of digital and cognitive technologies and solutions are rapidly gaining ground in many industries. It’s being used to change the way we think and execute our business models and the way that we operate in our daily execution. IBM Institute for Business Value last week publish a study that showed the link between […]

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Watson Summit Denmark

Welcome to IBM’s cognitive universe  The preparations for IBM’s big annual inspiration day are well under way. We invite you to our cognitive universe named Watson Summit Denmark. Cognitive technology creates historical breakthroughs for people, businesses and the world as a whole. No other technology can analyze such large amounts of unstructured data so quickly […]

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Data is the new “gold” and therefore you should protect it

Do not panic on account of  the new EU data privacy regulations – but get started now…! To many companies, the demands of the new EU data regulation may seem overwhelming. But if you use a structured approach this is a good medicine against GDPR data-panic. In less than a year, the new regulation in […]

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The cognitive vision for retail becomes reality

How would your marketing change if you had a cognitive analyst watching out for you, sharing real-time predictions and updates on performance metrics? Cognitive marketing and AI have been one of the hottest topics in the retail sector these past few years. Now, after much talking about the possibilities that new cognitive thinking offers for […]

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The Era of Cognitive Growth

It is hard to predict the future but what can be said with certainty is that the future will certainly not become less customer centric. Business success stories will become increasingly dependent on the ability to create engaging customer experiences using all available channels and cognitive marketing which is based on real-time listening, understanding, reasoning […]

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Next Me – Business Partner Summit in Copenhagen

Every year IBM Denmark hosts a conference for all IBM Business partners – the theme of this years Business Summit 2017 is “Next is Now”, which will focus on how future technologies give new business opportunities to generate change and growth. The event will be held Tuesday the 30th of May 2017 – from 9.00 […]

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IBM Vision 2017 in Orlando, Florida

IBM Vision 2017 will take place in Orlando, Florida from May 16 to 19, 2017. We invite you to attend IBM Vision 2017 to learn how advanced analytics and cognitive computing improve sales performance management. Experience the IBM solutions that eliminate manual compensation processes and deliver the insight needed to improve incentive plans. Get answers […]

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IBM Business Partner competition – it is time to put Cognitive to work for your customers

We invite all IBM Business Partners to experience the IBM Watson Build. For Business Partners who have wondered where IBM Watson and IBM Bluemix can take your business, the Watson Build is your opportunity for guided discovery. For Business Partners who have already developed an outstanding cognitive solution, participate in the Watson Build and learn […]

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Step up to the cognitive era with Watson for Cyber Security

As humans, we sense and respond to situations using a lifetime of experience and learning. When an organization’s security systems can do the same, it arms its security professionals with the collective knowledge and instinct to respond to threats with greater confidence at scale and speed. A cognitive business outthinks and outpaces threats with security […]

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