
SoftLayer offers three main ways to deploy your solution to the cloud

SoftLayer provides a set of key features that set the platform apart from the industry. The ability to deploy to bare metal servers, virtual compute instances and private clouds makes complex deployment architectures possible. The unified management of the platform makes it easy to consume the wide range of services that SoftLayer offers. Triple Network […]

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Welcome to InterConnect 2016 in Las Vegas

IBM InterConnect 2016 is for those who are building new business models, transforming industries, and creating better outcomes. Whether you’re a C-suite executive, IT leader, developer, designer, architect, or cloud expert, we all have one thing in common-we strive to build better businesses. The relationship between IT and business is changing. As a leader, builder […]

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Turn your back-up infrastructure into a revenue engine

Digital information is the most valuable asset to many organisations around the world. 22%*of IT decision makers say that they are or will be employing the cloud as an integral part of their backup process. Thanks to IBM’s world-class expertise in enterprise-class data protection, you can now offer innovative cloud-based storage security. IBM Spectrum Protect […]

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Softlayer webinar – Infrastructure services

Three advantages of using SoftLayer for cloud deployment Whenever you think about choosing a cloud provider, there are a few obvious questions to consider. Reputation and capabilities are certainly two of the first ones that come to mind. But there are also topics that usually don’t get that much thought in the initial selection process, […]

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Your Data Protections as a Service demo is here

Powerful data protection with incredibly easy management As an MSP, you can take the lead in offering solid protection for your clients’ data. We have a low-maintenance solution delivering enterprise class security through an easy-to-use interface. You can offer DPaaS (Data Protection as a Service), using the combination of IBM Spectrum Protect and the Frontsafe […]

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Lunch and Learn på IBM Cloud Seminar

Velkommen til IBM Cloud Seminar; DreamIT! BuildIT! Nettskyen gir deg valgfriheten og fleksibiliteten du har ventet på, og vi ønsker å gi deg en introduksjon til IBM Cloud for raskere innovasjon og vekst. Spar tid med selvbetjening og gi brukerne den programvaren de trenger, samt tilgang til infrastruktur hvor det kan utvikles mobile applikasjoner. Hør […]

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Brug OpenStack til at skabe private og offentlige skyer!

Open source-software til at skabe private og offentlige skyer OpenStack er en række software-løsninger, som du kan bygge og styre cloud computing-platforme samt private clouds med. Med OpenStack-software kan du håndtere store mængder af beregnings, opbevarings- og netværksressourcer i et datacenter, som bliver styret via et dashboard eller via OpenStack API. OpenStack anvender de mest […]

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Softlayer webinars in October

Join IBM’s SoftLayer webinars and experience how SoftLayer will enable you to reach bigger revenue and become more competitive. The cloud isn’t a commodity. Virtual servers aren’t the same everywhere you go. Try the cloud that was built from the ground up to be the best-in-class cloud solution for your business today. In our Webinar’s […]

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Skab lønsomhed gennem cloud-løsninger!

92% af alle midsize-forretninger vil investere i cloud-løsninger inden for de næste tre år! Nu kan din virksomhed tage et stort skridt ind i fremtiden, og skabe mulighed for øget lønsomhed via IBM’s ekspertise og erfaring. Vi giver jer derfor muligheden for, at hente en gratis kopi af “IBM MSP Handbook”, hvor vi uddyber teknologien […]

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