
IBM Security and join forces to eliminate digital fraud

The future for digital trust has never been brighter In May, launched ReTrust with the help of IBM. ReTrust is a service that combines security market leader IBM Trusteer with a highly cost-effective as-a-Service model making Trusteer available to any business. Making this service available to companies of any size makes it possible to […]

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Think Summits 2019 – Let’s Put Smart to Work

IBM will host four Think Summits in the Nordic countries in October and November Think Summits are the annual IBM flagship events where IBM clients and partners join us to explore the insights, ideas, and innovations that are shaping the way the world works by building smarter businesses and make the world we live in […]

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Transforming the Closing Process Globally with Configuration

We’re pleased to present the solution Integration & Consolidation by Wiesberg, powered by IBM. A single, yet comprehensive, solution For a long time, consolidation, budgeting & forecasting, reporting & visualization has been executed on disparate tools. But it doesn’t need to anymore. Based on the IBM Analytics palette, Wiesberg has designed a fully integrated, 360degree […]

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Transforming case handling in the public sector

A new wave of digitized case handling in the public sector has emerged. For more than 20 years, ESDH (electronic case and document management) systems have been the standard for public case handling in Denmark. However, IBM has recently come to an agreement with the public sector, where the solution offers an – for Denmark […]

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Prototyping: Getting the design right

(Last of three blog posts in this series) Sketching, wireframing and prototyping Showing is always better than telling. Prototypes enable you to test your idea with the customer and fix issues fast before any code is written. People are more likely to invest time in your idea and provide valuable feedback when you show something […]

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Standing Out In B2B Customer Engagement

A holistic approach from leaders of industrial products IBM’s Institute for Business Value has conducted a study on the potentials of successful B2B customer engagement. The research of this report is based on input from 375 executives worldwide. It explores how leading organizations are preparing for and executing customer engagement and experience, and what others […]

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AI technology can differentiate your business

AI technologies such as Machine and Deep Learning are starting to change the landscape of business.  Organizations that successfully exploit these technologies will experience a significant competitive advantage. Are you interested in understanding to what extent your organization is ready for implementing AI technologies? Are you interested in understanding more about AI technologies and how […]

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IBM Partner Ecosystem Day 2019 in Oslo

Welcome to IBM Partner Ecosystem Day By changing the event name from “IBM Partner Summit” to “IBM Partner Ecosystem”, we wish to illustrate the importance of dialogue and mutual cooperation. We look at IBM as part of a comprehensive ecosystem, which, together with our partners, focuses on improving established business processes and creating increased business […]

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Blockchain event – How can it be used in your business?

Blockchain event 10th of April in Vejle The event is for you who want to hear about blockchain and how it can be used in your business – whether you want to create business based on blockchain, implement blockchain in your own product portfolio, build a new solution from scratch or just is curious. It […]

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