big data

Fast Track your Way to AI – Join Watson Build 2018

After a highly successful Watson Build Challenge 2017, where innovative cognitive solutions from European Business Partners took the first and second place in the Global Championship, we are thrilled to announce Watson Build 2018. To give you a fast start for your participation, we are inviting you to join our Watson Build Workshop in Holte […]

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Media Retention – a step towards GDPR compliance!

In the eve of the new GDPR legislation, it is more important than ever to make your customer data your top priority. With IBM’s Media Retention service you have greater control over sensitive data by helping you keep your failed media components. With Media Retention you can better manage regulatory compliance to avoid GDPR related […]

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A perspective on collaboration and co-development in today’s digital era

During the last year, I have with curiosity seen new types of partnerships being established between “traditional” ICT players and industrial companies. New commercial models, sometimes consumption-based, are being proposed by vendors, and sometimes also expected by clients in the ICT industry. The range of services and deliverables, and the ways how companies develop these, […]

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5 in 5 predictions: 5 innovations that will help change our lives within the next 5 years.

Our mission at IBM is to help our clients change the way the world works. There’s no better example of that than IBM Research’s annual “5 in 5” technology predictions. Here some of the biggest breakthroughs worked at in IBM Research’s global labs are showcased. Five technologies that we believe will fundamentally reshape business and […]

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Transforming from traditional Outsourcing to IBMs New Cognitive services

The role of IBM as managed service provider is changing. It is not only changing, it is evolving. IBM have embraced this change and are moving with it and with it we see that the finishing line of managed services are also shifted. In the early days of managed services, the clients were looking to […]

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What’s the meaning of all the buzz?

The IT industry is as we all know a fast paced and ever-changing industry. There are product introductions almost every month from all kinds of vendors (software, hardware, services, cloud etc). Moreover, all vendors love to throw buzz words around to create the next big thing. So, what does it all mean? When starting to […]

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IBM establishes Client Innovation Center in Copenhagen, Denmark – January 2017

IBM is significantly expanding its portfolio in Denmark by creating a new innovation center in Copenhagen. The new center in Denmark will focus on big data, analytics, cognitive solutions, mobile apps, Internet of Things, blockchain and next generation ERP. The keywords for the new center is innovation and entrepreneurship. In this way we wish to […]

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