
ISS Turns to IBM Watson IoT to Transform Management of 25,000 Buildings Worldwide

ISS will use IBM’s Watson IoT platform, through consulting and advanced facilities management technologies to transform the services it provides to building owners and users around the world with the goal of making building more personalized, intuitive and user-friendly. Working with IBM’s Watson IoT platform, ISS will  integrate and analyse data from millions of devices […]

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Fremtidens succesfulde virksomheder bruger analytics og innovation

Vores seneste analyse fra IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) viser at verdens mest effektive og succesfulde virksomheder bruger 3 strategier med en kombination af innovation og analyse for at skabe ekstra værdi til deres virksomheder. Som Managed Service Provider har du mulighed for at understøtte dine kunders rejse mod agil og effektiv innovation i […]

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