
Chatbots: The Modern Artificial Intelligence Helper

It can be difficult to keep up with everything that is being published on hyped, futuristic technologies. Nevertheless, the internet sheds light on buzzwords like blockchain, cloud and artificial intelligence, machine learning and cognitive computing, as I touched upon in my previous blog. But it’s not all about the future – a majority of the […]

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“In God we trust. All others must bring data.”

”In God we trust. All others must bring data.” This quote, made by W. Edwards Deming, refers mainly to the importance of data measurement and analysis when doing business. In IT, like in business, data analysis is equally important. Thus, for the last decade, we have been talking about Data Warehouses, Big Data, Data Lakes […]

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LIVE DEBATE – IBM Project Debater

Intelligence Squared Debates At Intelligence Squared U.S., they have debated AI before – the risks, the rewards, and whether it can change the world – but for the first time, they have debated with AI. In partnership with IBM, Intelligence Squared U.S. has hosted a unique debate between a world-class champion debater and an AI […]

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Tech revolution brings consumers back to stores

The retail landscape is increasingly complex, crowded, and competitive. The most successful companies today are tackling these challenges head on and turning them into opportunities to stand out. A recent survey (1.900 consumer products and retail executives – of which 7% from Nordics) conducted by IBM Institute for Business Value and NRF – the National Retail […]

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What downhill skiing has to do with our new developer webinars

I’m glad to announce our first Nordic webinar series for developers and tech enthusiasts. Like a fearless first time downhill skier we are jumping down different slopes to check out what you guys appreciate the most! On November 21st a webinar regarding whats to come with quantum computing went live. It’s available to try, and […]

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Meet and Think with IBM

Welcome to a casual meetup and a discussion of hot topics within the world of “cognitive and AI” some of the most relevant technologies of the future! IBM Watson is a cognitive system designed to use data in all its forms – including unstructured – and understand it, reason through it and learn from it. […]

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How is Watson helping businesses across the globe to build a smarter future?

While you might have heard about IBM’s Watson – do you actually know what Watson is? Powered by the latest innovations in machine learning, Watson lets you learn more with less data. You can integrate AI into your most important business processes, informed by IBM’s rich industry expertise. You can build models from scratch, or […]

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BREAKTHROUGH TO IMPACT – Invitational event in Paris

MIT Technology Review, the authority and leader of global discourse on emerging technologies backed by the preeminent technology institute, has teamed up with IBM, the world’s premier cognitive solutions and cloud platform company, to launch the Innovation Leaders Summit and make impact.  The summit presents a carefully curated analysis of cutting – edge technologies in […]

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Tools for trust in AI

AI is becoming a pervasive technology affecting an increasing share of humanity’s critical decisions.  Whether it is a doctor asking an AI for targeted treatments, an autopilot in a car or a teacher for potential learning strategies for her class. However there have also been flaws in the application of AI, luckily most of them […]

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