
Serverless and how to leverage the advantages?

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How do you write and deploy code without the hassle of worrying about the underlying infrastructure?

In this lightboard video, Ashher Syed from IBM Cloud, walks through how serverless computing can help developers solely focus on writing and deploying their applications without the headaches of managing any infrastructure.

If you are keen on learning more, I encourage you to take a look at the Serverless Computing guide from my colleagues at IBM Cloud Education.

In the guide, it is explained in detail why the serverless programming model is a simpler, more cost-effective way of building and operating applications in the cloud. Moreover, the guide also provides tutorials, so that you can quickly expand your skills and get started leveraging the benefits as soon as possible with confidence.

However, it is important to emphasize that serverless also has some implications that you should be aware of, and thus the challenges and trade-offs are also highlighted.

Lastly, you are more than welcome to contact me directly in order to discuss how you and your specific organization can leverage serverless computing via the IBM Cloud at

Advisory IT Architect

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