
Reducing incidents with Cognitive IT Delivery

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Unfortunately, incidents have been a part of doing IT-business for many years – a part that most people would like to avoid completely. However, this is not that simple and in most cases not completely possible. But imagine if it was, or if we could drastically reduce the number of unwanted incidents? How do we move towards this goal of reducing incidents?

A shift in practice
Most of us have always looked upon technology as a tool of support, some might even call it a ‘helping hand’. What we are seeing now is paradigm shift from people led processes to technology led processes.How do we transform traditional operations to technology-driven autonomous environments?

IBM Cognitive IT Operations Platform
One of the solutions that can go some way towards an incident-free business life is the IBM Cognitive IT Operations platform that integrates Cognitive capabilities with platform Consumable Services. This platform works to augment human intelligence with analytics & cognitive insights. This enables practitioners to make data-driven decisions and predict outages while autonomously managing and governing IT-operations to deliver improved service quality through error reduction and faster incident resolution.Predictive InsightsOne of the services provided by this platform is Predictive Insights, which utilizes Watson algorithms and machine learning on data. Predictive Insight provides real-time early anomalies detection of symptoms in server, applications, databases, network etc from any time series metric data.Rather than reacting to outages, we are now predicting IT-issues and preventing incidents.

Dynamic Automation
This service enables more rapid, consistent and high-quality response to incidents and events. Based on automation-features like problem identification, diagnosis and resolution to significantly cut re-occurring incidents and reduces time to repair significantly.

Workplace Support Services with Watson (Watson Helpdesk)
On top of dealing with incidents, a chat bot service as Watson Helpdesk will use historical-based data to more effectively answer questions around IT-service desk incidents, increase first call resolutions rate and gain knowledge going forward.

Does it work? Yes!
We have already rolled out an early version of the platform to some of the IBM customers, which has shown significant results:After successfully testing the cognitive monitoring solution (IBM Operations Analytics Predictive Insights) that is part of the new platform, we saw a significant reduction of server incidents.” Jan Steen Olsen, Executive Vice President and CTO, Danske Bank. For other Nordic customers using Dynamic Automation, it proved the optimization potential and they saw the results of Auto-Resolved tickets of up to 65 %.

The Cognitive Journey has started, don’t wait to get on board!

Nordic Innovation Leader

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