Quantum Computing

Quantum computing explained so even kids understand

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Quantum computing is buzzing these days. However, it is a very complex topic to understand – even for experienced tech professionals, professors and the brightest students. I have experienced this myself during the last few years when speaking about quantum computing at several conferences and universities. But there is a way we can understand the complex implications of how we can utilize quantum computing and how remarkably it improves our lives.

Quantum computing to new heights in the future

The technology will for sure solve complex problems in the future that even classical super-computers will never be able to. In life sciences, supply chain management, chemistry research and much more. Therefore, it is also crucial that our generation of IT enthusiasts and even our kids get familiar with quantum computing. If more people get excited about the fascinating opportunities the technology offers, it will hopefully help to push the development of quantum computing to new heights in the future.

In this way, we can solve the unsolvable problems society faces today and eventually make the world that we live in a better place.

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Quantum computing explained so everyone understands

Are you new to quantum computing? Or just curious to learn more about it? Then check out this video from WIRED with Dr. Talia Gershon, Senior Manager of Q Experiences at IBM Research.

In the video, she explains quantum computing to make kids, a teenager, a college student and a graduate student understand, and then discusses quantum computing myths and challenges with Professor Steve Girvin from Yale University:

Whether you are a child, student or professional, I hope the video helped you to understand more about the fascinating capabilities of quantum computing. If you are hooked, you can actually try a real quantum computer via the IBM Cloud. This is done through the IBM Q Experience platform.

If you have any further questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact me at janl@dk.ibm.com (Jan Lillelund). Furthermore, you can also check out the IBM Q homepage for much more information about quantum computing at IBM.

CTO, Executive Architect IBM Global Markets, e-Business

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