Creating essential insights from agricultural data with Watson Analytics

Cognitive means how to you use existing information to create new knowledge. This is exactly what Mjölner informatics has done with Watson Analytics. Together with Seges – the danish farmers knowledge center – they used Watson Analytic as the tool in a workshop where they have explored the huge amount of data from the different […]

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Go for the storage upgrade that gives you more business

Take on new challenges with our complete cost-efficient solution. IBM Flash System gives service providers many advantages. Optimise performance. Take on unexpected workloads of any rate. Convenient control. Unified management tools make it simple to oversee environments. Interoperability. Not just for IBM storage infrastructures. ESG have showcased the advantages IBM Flash Storage can bring for […]

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Differentier dig fra konkurrenten med Security Intelligence

Nedenfor kan du se en 3-minutters video med vores kunde, KocSistem, en førende IT Service Provider, som har integreret IBM’s security intelligence-løsning, QRader. Du kan bl.a. høre om de mange fordele der er ved at udnytte den skalerbare “multi-tenant”-platform. Kundereference (3:20 min). Du kan også få din helt egen prøve på QRadar, og se om […]

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We are pleased to invite you to: Flash & Taco Friday!

We are pleased to invite you to an IBM FlashSystem seminar, where we will take you behind the curtains of our market leading All-Flash product and share experience from local deployments in gaming, casino and banking industry. Speaker: Henrik Warfvinge, IBM Storage Architect Date: 29th January Time: 11:15 – 13:30 Location: Openlab, Valhallavägen 79, Stockholm […]

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Sådan omsætter du data til forretningsværdi for dine kunder

Temaet for næste IBM Business Breakfast er analytics og big data, som bliver afholdt i Aarhus d. 3 februar og i Holte d. 4. Du får indblik i, hvilke nye forretningsmuligheder den datadrevne virksomhed åbner op for. Du møder specialister på området og IBM-partnere, der giver dig konkrete eksempler på, hvordan du kan tjene penge […]

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May the force be with Bluemix!

Hi All, For everyone who is fan Droids, this video item is very interesting to watch. How to mind control a robot! May the force be with Bluemix. #BluemixMindControl is a reality! Move a BB-8 Droid using Your Mind Video

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Undvik fallgropar i den mobila åldern

Hur du förbättrar din mobila säkerhet. Med den fortsatta övergången till att arbeta från mobila enheter kan det vara en utmaning för tjänsteleverantörer att hålla sig uppdaterad gällande sårbarheterna som förs in företagsnätverk vilket är en utmaning som påverkar både dig och dina kunder. Surfplattor och smarta telefoner kan vara de svagaste punkterna i ett […]

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December 15, 2015 8:05 AM

More power to transform your Cloud business BIG Data and Cloud applications are under constant pressure to be delivered faster, more securely and with optimal efficiency. Cloud service providers must guarantee performance and security. Does your infrastructure meet the growing demands of your customer’s data processing expectations and aggressive application services? Watch how IBM Power […]

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En data-drevet markedsføring?

Brug mindre tid på at analysere, og mere tid på markedsføring Få hurtige og visuelle insights, som giver dig mulighed for at få større digital markedsføringssucces. Nedenfor er et par eksempler på, hvordan din virksomhed kan hurtigt og simpelt identificere styrker, svagheder og skjulte trends. Faktorer, som i sidste ende kan hjælpe jeres virksomhed med […]

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