Discover how you’ll benefit from VersaStack

Embrace all the positives of IBM’s innovations in storage technology without the typical headaches of an upgrade. We can help you deploy and manage IT with an unprecedented degree of ease. The impressive levels of performance and efficiency from VersaStack can lift your business to new heights, cutting through complex workloads and satisfying the most […]

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Cognitive IoT – enroll for the next IBM Business Breakfast event in Denmark

Vi fortsætter successen med vores IBM Business Breakfast. Næste event holdes den 14. september i Århus og 15. september i Holte. Næste generation indenfor Internet of Things er på agendaen – nemlig Cognitive Internet of Things. Du får inspiration til og indblik i, hvordan du med vores enestående IoT-platform IBM Watson kan skabe og udvikle […]

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The architecture to take storage capacity and performance much further

You’re facing greater demands on performance and capacity yet dealing with tight budgets. Thankfully you can slice through complex workloads with the all-Flash grid storage breakthrough from IBM. Discover how you can eliminate bottlenecks and have the ability to scale and manage your architecture. The IBM FlashSystem A9000 hands you more speed, power and control. […]

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Thanks to a pioneering new agreement with IBM, service providers running VMware workloads in an on-premise environment can now transform their operations by provisioning new or existing workloads in the cloud using Softlayer. A key player in cloud computing, IBM has been ranked first among hybrid cloud providers in independent studies by Forrester and Synergy […]

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Embrace the flash solution to accelerate your storage performance

Take the next stage in becoming a truly dynamic MSP. With IBM’s innovative FlashSystem range, you not only get fast storage, it becomes simplified to manage. You can take on more data-intensive workloads and become a key part in cloud-scale business through IBM FlashSystem. Watch our introduction to the IBM FlashSystem A9000 models

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Why you should get enthusiastic about Blockchain?

Blockchain is an interesting phenomenon. It’s a completely new architecture for business and a foundation for building a new generation of transactional applications that establish trust and transparency while streamlining business processes. It has the potential to significantly reduce costs and complexity of your IT investments. What exactly is blockchain? It’s a distributed ledger shared […]

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Which IT leaders are making Artificial Intelligence a reality!!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used in many different sectors nowadays, for example robotics, health care, gaming, motion and manipulation and music but its basis is still the analysis of big data. Today social media is one of the main stream and source of digital information (images, sounds and texts) and AI is used to analyses […]

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IBM Cloud SoftLayer and VMWare Unbeatable!

IBM is unique in the market with its SoftLayer & VMWare value proposition. With this offering, VMWare clients can seamlessly move workloads from on-premise to cloud. Add to that IBM’s Software-Defined Networking(SDN) and you have the same high security, same tools and support the customer uses already. In addition the product can offer clients 100% […]

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How do the Costs compare: AWS & Azure vs. Softlayer Cloud?

In February 2016, Cirba conducted a study across three different public cloud offerings including Amazon® AWS, Microsoft Azure® Virtual Machines and IBM® SoftLayer® Bare Metal to compare costs and investigate the impact of Bare Metal infrastructure. On a sample of just under 1000 workloads, representative for enterprise usage, SoftLayer Bare Metal servers provided 53% cost […]

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