IBM Think 2018

The IBM Think 2018 is IBM’s largest and most important conference in 2018, and it will form an unprecedented technology event. Think about it … AI, Cloud, Data, IOT, Systems, Service and Security have merged in our world, and with this it is important to reflect on how we use these advances in technology in […]

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Fast Track Your Data Event (Attend in Person or Online) – Live from Munich 22nd of June

Secure your competitive advantage with machine learning. Fast Track Your Data Event is a one-day event taking place in Munich on the 22nd of June 2017. You have the possibility to attend in person or online. Why attend? The highlights of the day will be: Apply Data science, machine learning, analytics and visualization Session on […]

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IBM Security on Cyber Threats

Hold up, wait a minute – your company was not hacked today. Would that not be the most delightful news to receive each day? Believe it or not, but it is not impossible. Even though more than 10 million cyber attacks happens daily, IBM security is helping companies avoid these attacks each single day of […]

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Watson at Work

IBM is hitting the market with new advertising  showing Watson at work. With Watson, we are scaling expertise, improving responsiveness and sparking innovation. Watson at work is helping people work faster and smarter. Spend a few minutes and watch our new TV ads about Watson at Work, and if you have any questions do not […]

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The cognitive vision for retail becomes reality

How would your marketing change if you had a cognitive analyst watching out for you, sharing real-time predictions and updates on performance metrics? Cognitive marketing and AI have been one of the hottest topics in the retail sector these past few years. Now, after much talking about the possibilities that new cognitive thinking offers for […]

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The Era of Cognitive Growth

It is hard to predict the future but what can be said with certainty is that the future will certainly not become less customer centric. Business success stories will become increasingly dependent on the ability to create engaging customer experiences using all available channels and cognitive marketing which is based on real-time listening, understanding, reasoning […]

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IBM Continues its Leadership in Software-Defined Storage

“We’re #1!” is the proud cry that every team and organization would like to make, and IBM can claim that proud distinction for software-defined storage. The evidence comes from market research vendor International Data Corporation (IDC), which has ranked IBM #1 in the worldwide software-defined storage (SDS) market for the third straight year. This is […]

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VMware Solution Summit 2017

IBM Cloud is proud to be a sponsor of VMware Solution Summit 2017. VMware Solution Summit 2017  is a full day of innovation to accelerate the journey to a software-defined business and the digital workspace. Realize what is possible when we cover a wide range of topics, ranging from mobile devices to the data center […]

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Next Me – Business Partner Summit in Copenhagen

Every year IBM Denmark hosts a conference for all IBM Business partners – the theme of this years Business Summit 2017 is “Next is Now”, which will focus on how future technologies give new business opportunities to generate change and growth. The event will be held Tuesday the 30th of May 2017 – from 9.00 […]

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