IBM is using #DataForBusiness to help companies increase their use of data

  Figures from the EU show that Denmark is the leader within digitalization, but when it comes to the use of companies’ own data, Denmark ranks lower than its surrounding countries. This backlog is what #DataForBusiness is aiming to rectify in a collaboration between IBM, the Confederation of Danish Industry, Networked Business Initiative, Copenhagen Business […]

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IBM for CIO: The Rise of the CIOs

IBM presents: Discover what “I” in Chief Information Officers (CIOs) can disrupt. It isn’t just business leaders who are driving agility in top-performing companies. Savvy CIOs are enabling agility by empowering people and operations with data that makes a difference. Those CIOs are providing data that is timely and accurate. They are connecting the dots […]

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Tech magicians in action at STHLM Tech Fest

During this year’s STHLM Tech Fest 2017 the magician Daniel Kane left you with a feeling that the impossible is in fact possible as he made real doves appear and then disappear on stage in front of a full house at the Waterfront Congress Center in Stockholm. In the tech world magic happens when innovators capitalize on […]

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Disrupting and Evolving Traditional IT Operations in the Cognitive Era

Digital disruption has resulted in a high rate of change, creating new opportunities and technology shifts. Clients – and the clients of clients – consume IT services at a high pace, which in turn requires systems to be available 24/7 all year around. It can thus be a challenge to manage systems and associated tools […]

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How to get started building Chatbots using Watson and Bluemix

Over the last two months I have been running a series of Chatbot webinars showcasing how you can get started building your own chatbot from scratch using IBM’s cloud platform and Watson services. I wanted to write this blog for people who missed those sessions to provide guidance on how you can get started TODAY. […]

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Why should I not choose the best security product?

Well maybe you should buy the best of breed, there are many things to consider before jumping to the conclusion that it has to be the best product, next factor could be price should I get the most expensive or the cheapest solution? Or as we see too often the solution where I can have […]

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Enterprise-grade Security Services to Safeguard your Cloud Environments

Cloud security is not only achievable, it is an opportunity to drive the business, improve defences, and reduce risk. When your business transforms security practices that are manual, static, and reactive into a more standardized, automated, and elastic approach, you’ll stay ahead of threats in your cloud environment. IBM can help you achieve this! Read […]

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IBM Analytics University

Whether you’re a business user, a technical expert, a data scientist, a new customer, a seasoned pro, or still deciding which analytics path to take, there’s a place for you at IBM Analytics University 2017. Featuring over 75 sessions, workshops, and hands-on labs, you’ll have the opportunity to learn new skills and see how the […]

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Watson’s Artificial Intelligence is helping companies to stay ahead of hackers and security risks

Cybersecurity threats are growing at a record pace, with cyber crime such as hacks, breaches and malware attacks have become a way of life in this increasingly interconnected world. Cybercrime is projected to cause more than $6 trillion in damages by 2021, and businesses are estimated to invest $1 trillion over the next five years to […]

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