How AI models secure AI models

The fact that IBM has been named one of the world's most ethical companies by Ethisphere for the third year in a row is based on our work to advocate and enable the implementation of ethical and reliable AI. But what is meant by the term "ethical AI"?

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What huge volume of data are required for smart AI

Smart AI algorithms in all their glory, but without a steady supply of large amounts of reliable data, they are useless. I will describe how data on-site opens great opportunities and cloud solutions so that even smaller companies can keep up.

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Disrupt your industry with a circular business strategy

Many companies have all the customer instruments in place that is needed to transform their business to a circular business model in my opinion. It is therefore a question of reorganizing the customer instruments, to reap the savings circular modelling represents.

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The right technology with the wrong culture is not enough – both should be addressed for successful application modernization programs

Technology is only part of the work of modernizing applications. Culture and attitudes also need to be considered, as well as business models that legacy applications were built around.

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Blockchain collaboration in the food industry

The IBM Food Trust is now making the first Swedish blockchain beer available, in which the entire production process can be verified and tracked. The production is by Ängöl brewery and the project Helt Spårat has been possible through the traceability integrator Foodchain by Blockchain and the trading platform Skira.

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Edge, shared cloud, Cloud Satellite – what’s it all about?

The use of public cloud services has increased significantly over the past 10 years. Depending on the research applied, between 20 and 30 percent of all workloads have been transferred to a cloud environment. However, this excludes operationally critical and latency-sensitive workloads.

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Learn how Hypercell utilizes IBM Hyper Protect Databases in their service

Hypercell is a Finnish company that provides IoT -services for Smart Cities and their stakeholders. Hypercell’s service produces massive-scale people flow data that helps cities and their stakeholders to develop their services and to optimize their overall eco-system.

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Why everyone should prioritize gender equality in leadership

Few organizations make gender equality in leadership a formal business priority, but those that do outperform. Despite abundant evidence that gender equality in leadership is good for business, an overwhelming majority of organizations say advancing women into leadership roles is not a formal business priority.

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Are you transforming customer interaction into valuable insights?

Digitization means that we have more ways to communicate than ever before. Still, many choose to keep using traditional channels such as telephone calls when they want to contact customer service. Many companies, however, have found that it’s too costly to offer this type of service, and don’t see the potential in collecting the data. […]

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