10 Questions regarding SDG to the company’s management and board

We have all together manged to create the most serious sustainability deficit and our greatest challenge is the ecological debt – a dept which we are running up by overusing and depleting our natural resources and thereby threatening our ability to meet the needs of future generations.  Worldwide, the strains on key resources, from fresh […]

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New server platform with plenty of power under the hood – and future-proof security

The shutdown of companies and nations during the pandemic has opened many people’s eyes to how vulnerable a modern organization can be. Not only when fundamental assumptions change, but also when habits change in the wake of a crisis. There is little doubt, for example, that working from home and a widespread use of online […]

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The convergence of operational and analytical data

As expected in the first quarter of the year, there are many “top trends for 2021”. This year, I am reading these with a greater focus than before looking for clues of what may happen post this pandemic.Although I have seen some interesting predictions, like Hyper / Full automation using for example neuromorphic computing, emulating […]

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What does it take to make data fit for purpose?

I just finished reading IBM’s Science & Technology Outlook (STO) 2021. The report starts with a statement that really resonated with me. “COVID-19’s impact on the world has emphasized the importance of science.”  Reading the report what stands out to me is the emphasis on scientific method and approach for discovery. As well as the […]

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How tech-enabled finance will accelerate the transition to net zero carbon emissions

On the path to global net zero carbon emissions, the finance industry is a key driver while technology is an enabler of sustainability. To make meaningful progress to mitigate climate change, the global finance industry needs technology to quantify climate risk and mobilise investments. Financiers also must adopt collaborative, secure and trusted data platforms, and […]

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Aqua farmers are giving back to the oceans – with technology

Our oceans sustain us. They give us oxygen and they capture carbon dioxide. They feed us and they provide a wage to 40 million people across the world. They bring us joy and they show us beauty. But we are not sustaining our oceans in return.  We are taking more from them than can be replenished. We […]

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Is your company ready for the quantum revolution? Take you company’s IT infrastructure to the next level with hybrid cloud services

As digitalization accelerates, we will next be facing a quantum revolution. Is your business prepared for the increasing pace of technological innovation? Data is plentiful, but how can you fully benefit from it? How can hybrid cloud services help you get the most from your data? These were some of the topics covered in the […]

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Our CEO study reveals: Culture and business are evolving hand in hand

IBM conducts an annual global survey of business leaders to determine what they are putting effort and investing in and what key issues they are working to address. IBM Finland’s Partner Manager Oscar Michelsson and Executive Partner Juha Sipola chewed through the 2020 survey and summarized the results. “The point of the study seems to […]

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Distributed Cloud: Deploy and run your workloads anywhere with IBM Cloud Satellite

Overcome latency and performance challenges while ensuring you adhere to data residency and compliance requirements. Utilize a secure distributed cloud to provide consistency across environments and manage it centrally from a single pane of glass.   The popularity of the Public Cloud keeps growing and have been increasing for over a decade, as companies seek the […]

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