Virtual Private Cloud Is Here

IBM Cloud Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is now available. VPC is the first major release of the next generation of the IBM Cloud platform. Some of you may be asking: “What is a Virtual Private Cloud?” Simply put, it is a fully virtualized private network in the public cloud, where you can deploy compute, storage […]

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Moving forward into the future with Advectas and IBM Cognos Analytics

In collaboration with Advectas, IBM invites you to join our one-day event in Holte 24th of June. At the event, we will show how the infusion of AI into IBM Cognos Analytics can be used to create a data-driven business and how easily you can get started. About the event: We have planned an amazing […]

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Kubernetes Services – The foundation for your App modernization

I am pleased to invite you to a webinar on Kubernetes Services on 26th June, 10:00-10:30 CET. Kubernetes has evolved extremely in the last 4 years, and is today the defector standard for new cloud applications and to modernize existing applications. Kubernetes has lot of great features, but it is complex to manage on your […]

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The Impact of IBM’s Groundbreaking Cyber Security Truck

As a result of the ubiquitous, increasing events of hacking and security breaches, IBM has sought to provide an opportunity for companies to develop protection plans, should they be intruded. Therefore, IBM created The X-Force Command Cyber Tactical Operations Center (C-TOC) to help counter such cyberattacks, which we made a blog post about in November 2018. […]

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Transforming case handling in the public sector

A new wave of digitized case handling in the public sector has emerged. For more than 20 years, ESDH (electronic case and document management) systems have been the standard for public case handling in Denmark. However, IBM has recently come to an agreement with the public sector, where the solution offers an – for Denmark […]

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Multi-Cloud Management across AWS, Azure, Google and IBM

I am pleased to invite you to a webinar on Multi-Cloud Managagment on 24th June, 10:00-10:30 CET. A multi-cloud management platform should enable you to achieve movement, connectivity, and consistency of management of workloads and data across public, private clouds. In today’s agile multi-cloud environment it’s important to be able to do end-to-end management and […]

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Cybersecurity doesn’t need more tools; it needs new rules.

Let’s be frank: Chief information security officers (CISOs) and security professionals all know cybersecurity complexity is a major challenge in today’s threat landscape. Other folks in the security industry know this too — although some don’t want to admit it. The problem is that amid increasing danger and a growing skills shortage, security teams are […]

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Webinar: How to start your journey from VMware based infrastructure to a full blown hybrid cloud native environment

How to start your journey from VMware based infrastructure to a full blown hybrid cloud native environment I am pleased to invite you to a webinar on the Journey to Cloud on 12th June, 10:00-10:30 CET. IBM’s approach to Cloud is defined by 5 key principles: * Hybrid *  Multicloud *  Open *  Secure *  […]

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Prototyping: Getting the design right

(Last of three blog posts in this series) Sketching, wireframing and prototyping Showing is always better than telling. Prototypes enable you to test your idea with the customer and fix issues fast before any code is written. People are more likely to invest time in your idea and provide valuable feedback when you show something […]

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