
Mobile revolution puts security in the spotlight

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With more and more mobile devices being used in workplaces every day, it’s more important than ever before that service providers offer their customers the best mobile-encompassing security package. With a variety of different offerings in a very competitive marketplace, choosing the right one can be tricky. In this video, you can discover how Scandinavian MSP Enfo utilises the cloud to help keep its mobile devices secure:


Enfo has gained impressive results since adopting IBM’s enterprise mobility management solution, MaaS360. They found that MaaS360 was easy to integrate into the diverse IT environments of its customers, reduced their ownership costs by 35% and, thanks to the solution’s cloud-based approach, reduced downtime to zero. And not only do Enfo’s customers benefit from the flexibility of MaaS360 – they do so themselves with their own devices, too.

Senior Business Development Manager, IBM Watson & Cloud Services

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