
Inside Threat Study – IBM Cloud Identity Connect SaaS

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IBM Cloud Identity helps you secure user productivity with cloud-delivered Single Sign-On (SSO), multifactor authentication, and identity governance. It comes with thousands of pre-built connectors that help you quickly provide access to popular SaaS and On-Prem apps; and pre-built templates to help integrate in-house apps.

With this a study carried out this year by CA Technologies came up with some interesting findings in regards to Insider Threats. This is some of the most relevant findings, as it relates to the subject

1. Of those surveyed, a staggering 90% felt vulnerable to Insider Threats

If one breaks this into the categories “extremely vulnerable” and “very vulnerable” the following was answered:

  • 43% feel extremely vulnerable
  • 13% feel very vulnerable

2. It is interesting that when the companies was asked about the number one cause that enables insider threats, the answer was:

  • 37 % stated too many users with excessive access and privilege

3. When asked the question “How many insider attacks have you experienced in the last 12 months?”

  • The majority 33% had 1 to 5 attacks.
  • 8% had 11 to 20 attacks.

4.What is surprising in the results is that when asked “What threat do you consider most likely to happen to your organisation?”, the majority didn’t say outsider threats – this is what was answered instead:

  • 34%: External Attack
  • 36%: Malicious Deliberate Insider Attack
  • 30%: Accidental /Unintentional Inside Breach

Source: 472 Cybersecurity Professionals were surveyed online.

Departments Surveyed = 59% IT Operations/ 30% IT Security and 11% Other.

Company Size ( Staff) = 14% is over 10,000/ 17% is between 5,000 to 10,000/ 27% is between 1,000 to 5,000 and lastly 42% is 1000 staff members or less.

To find out how you can make your employees feel less vulnerable whilst protecting your company, read more about IBM Cloud Identity SaaS.

Click here to register for your free edition of Cloud Identity now and get going right away.

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact me at:

Nordics Security - Business Development Lead

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