
Inside the heart of an IBM Cloud Data Center

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Deploy locally and scale globally to maximize choice and control

With deployed workloads in over 60 data centers, and now into 6 regions and 18 availability zones globally.

Built to meet your needs for local access, low latency and certified security, IBM Cloud offers the most choices to decide where and how your data and workloads should run. Our availability zone design provides an easier and more effective way to design and operate applications and databases, making them highly available, fault tolerant and scalable.

In the video below, we’re inside the heart of an IBM Cloud Data Center. Watch this first ever footage of our AI-ready and secure-to-the-core IBM Cloud technology.

Click here, to read more about the global locations for your global business.

Run smoother in the cloud and safer on the ground with more choice in deployment options for every workload need. The IBM Cloud Data Center network is resilient, redundant and highly available in 19 countries on 6 continents.

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact me at:

Client Solution Executive, Watson & Cloud Platform, IBM Nordic IBM Hybrid Cloud

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