
IBM Watson eHealth Meetup in Copenhagen

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It is our pleasure to invite you to an informal meetup in Soho, Kødbyen in Copenhagen about IBM Watson and IoT within the health sector.

Meet a range of experts within the field and learn more about related issues, such as:

  • How does IBM work with eHealth ecosystems partners to create innovative solutions for municipalities and regions, as well as their business partners?
    Peter Martin Mikkolinius Jakobsen, IBM Partner Business Development
  • Keynote: IBM Watson – how are health offerings delivered by means of digital solutions?
    Henrik Rindel Gudbergsen, MD, Phd, Chief Medical Officer, IBM Nordic
  • The potential created by the use of health data – what is required by municipalities and regions, and how do we use existing data and date from new sources?
    Lene Vistisen, Senior Consultant and Innovation Network Manager, WelfareTech
  • Partnerpitches – Hear IBM Ecosystem partners’ stories
  • Demo – IBM Cloud, Watson Analytics/Explorer, IoT
    Henrik Toft, Transformation Architect, CTO team, IBM Europe
  • Panel discussion and Q&A

The event will end with networking, tapas and wine.

When: December 13th, 14.30-17.30 (registering starts at 14.00)
Flæsketorvet 68, 1711 København V, room: Oasen
Register here

Come and be inspired to build eHealth solutions with IBM and IBM ecosystems partners, from IBM Watson cognitive and analytics, to the Internet of Things, BlockChain, to Apache Hadoop.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at PETERMJ@dk.ibm.com if you have any questions about the event.

Digital Commercial Territory Leader, Public & Finance Sector

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