
IBM Cloud is the perfect engine to power the world’s largest weather websites

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To achieve scale and flexibility the Weather Company decided to move to a new cloud provider.

Business Problem

The Weather Company, an IBM Business has 30 million daily users operating on its website. However, in peak hours, the number can increase to 100 million users. The website must consequently provide instant insights to the large number of consumers. Working with weather is very unpredictable and scaling during increased demand is critical in order to give people correct information about hurricanes or tornadoes. Access to precise information can literally spell the difference between life and death.


To achieve scale and flexibility the Weather Company decided to move to a new cloud infrastructure provider. They were looking for a secure and open platform that could handle the large amount of data they had to operate. IBM Cloud was the best match:

“IBM Cloud is the perfect engine to power the world’s largest weather websites and deliver the fastest, most accurate weather insight to millions of users around the globe”, said Chris Hill (VP, CIO and CTO of IBM Watson Media and Weather).

IBM Cloud provides Kubernetes as a managed service which significantly reduces the burden on The Weather Company’s DevOps resources. The flexible storage solution in IBM Cloud Object Storage has highly compatible API’s which makes it easy to interoperate and scale over time. Furthermore, the in-built security capability makes it easy to construct an enterprise-ready solution from the very start without making any compromises.

Denmark ranks second in the of cost per capita of extreme weather and climate eventsCloud WeatherSource: State of Green

In the past 40 years, Europe has experienced extreme weather conditions and events that have impacted tremendously. The total cost for Europe has accumulated to EUR 453 billion. Denmark ranks second in the largest cost per capita of more than EUR 2000, showcasing the immense impact it can have. With global warming on the rise and significant changes appearing in the climate, the importance of weather becomes relevant for everyone. Thanks to IBM Cloud the Weather Company is able to provide accurate and hyperlocal weather alerts to keep everyone prepared and safe.

Read more about the case.

Download the weather company app and get weather alerts for your specific area at all times.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your opportunities with IBM Cloud, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Watson & Cloud Platform Technical Sales Leader Nordic

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