Hvad er Bluemix?

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imageMange vil nok gætte på at Bluemix er en ny slik blanding eller en kulørt drink på den lokale cocktail bar…

Men Bluemix er intet mindre end en revolution i måden at udvikle IT løsninger uanset om du snakker Apps, Internet of Things eller traditionelle applikationer da den gør det muligt at udvikle hurtigt, let og overskueligt i clouden.

Bluemix består populært sagt af en række udviklings “klodser” som du kan sætte sammen til din egen applikation med pointers ned i dine egne databaser eller big data lige fra Twitter feeds, Watson til IOT data.

Bluemix er baseret på Open Cloud Foundry der gør at du har adgang til et utal af “åbne klodser” fra vidt forskellige leverandører, hvor du iøvrigt også har mulighed for at lave dine egne “klodser” som du kan dele og sælge på Bluemix Marketplace.

Bluemix er blevet en succes, som har overrasket selv garvede IBM’ere, og idag onboardes i gennemsnit ca. 15.000 nye brugere på bluemix udviklingsplatformen hver uge.

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Nedenfor er en liste af nogle af de “klodser” du kan lege med i Bluemix

Service name Description
AppScan Dynamic Analyzer Brings the power of AppScan’s proven Dynamic Application Security Testing to the Cloud, identifying security issues in web applications, to help you keep them secure.
BigInsights for Hadoop Powered by InfoSphere BigInsights, which is based on open source Hadoop, this service provides the open source capabilities of HBase, Hive, MapReduce, Pig and others, including your own open source packages.
Business Rules Enables developers to spend less time recoding and testing when the business policy changes. This service minimizes your code changes by keeping business logic separate from application logic.
Cloudant NoSQL DB Provides access to a fully managed NoSQL JSON data layer that’s always on. This service is compatible with CouchDB, and accessible through a simple to use HTTP interface for mobile and web application models.
Data Cache Improve the performance and user experience of web applications by retrieving information from fast, managed, in-memory caches, instead of relying entirely on slower disk-based databases.
DevOps Auto-Scaling Enables you to automatically increase or decrease the compute capacity of your application. The number of application instances are adjusted dynamically based on the Auto-Scaling policy you define.
DevOps Delivery Pipeline Automate builds and deployments, test execution, configure build scripts, and automate execution of unit tests. Automatically build and deploy your application to IBM’s cloud platform, Bluemix.
Embeddable Reporting Use a simple cloud editor then embed reports and dashboards in your web or mobile app using a wide variety of languages such as Node.js or Java using a RESTful API.
Geospatial Analytics Leverage real-time geospatial analytics to track when devices enter or leave defined regions.
Internet of Things Lets your apps communicate with and consume data collected by your connected devices, sensors, and gateways.
Mobile Push Notifications Push information to all application users or to a specific set of users and devices. You can even let users subscribe to specific tags or topics for notification.
MongoDB A popular NoSQL database
MQ Light Develop responsive, scalable applications with a fully-managed messaging provider in the cloud. Quickly integrate with application frameworks through easy-to-use APIs.
Redis A popular distributed dictionary server used by many distributed applications
Secure Gateway Brings Hybrid Integration capability to your Bluemix environment. It provides secure connectivity from Bluemix to other applications and data sources running on-premise or in other clouds. A remote client is provided to enable secure connectivity.
Sendgrid Sendgrid’s cloud-based email infrastructure relieves businesses of the cost and complexity of maintaining email systems.
Session Cache Improve application resiliency by storing session state information across many HTTP requests. Enable persistent HTTP sessions for your application and seamless session recovery in event of an application failure.
Single Sign-On Implement user authentication for your web and mobile apps quickly, using simple policy-based configurations.
SQL Database Add an on-demand relational database to your application. Powered by DB2, it provides a managed database service to handle web and transactional workloads.
Watson Alchemy API Leverage natural language processing and computer vision in your apps to deeply understand the world’s conversations, documents and photos.
Watson Machine Translation Converts text input in one language into a destination language for the end user. Translation is available among English, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Arabic.
Watson Personality Insights Derives insights from transactional and social media data to identify psychological traits which determine purchase decisions, intent and behavioral traits; utilized to improve conversion rates.

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Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Niklas Lyng Pedersen
Territory Sales Manager MSP and ISV – Denmark


IBM Danmark A/S
Oluf Palmes Allé 44, 8200 Aarhus N
Mobile: +45 4120 2280
e-mail: niklasp@dk.ibm.com

Country Manager Iceland, IBM

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