
Extend your VMware workloads seamlessly to the IBM Cloud

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7 out of 10 IT-leaders consider Hybrid Cloud fundamental in their IT-strategy.

Why? Simply because this is the only way to respond to the ever increasing demands form the business side: innovation, time-to-market, flexibility, global presence, cost efficiency, all deployed on a secure scalable platform.

These requirements can be fulfilled with Hybrid Cloud, but also comes with a new set of challenges: How do I manage my IT-environment across the borders of my Datacenter and into the Cloud? How can I move workloads in and out of the Cloud with ease? What about security? Do we have the right skills in the IT department to handle this? And what about my Software-licenses?

Plenty of questions to answer, but with the close partnership between VMware and IBM around Hybrid Cloud, things have been greatly simplified. The integration of VMware products into IBM Cloud makes it possible to expand your Datacenter into the Cloud using the exact same software portfolio, processes and skills that you are already using today in your local VMware environment.

Fore more information – please click here.

If you are having any questions don’t hesitate to mail me at  or to call one of the following numbers:

Denmark: 45 70 10 32 68

Finland: +358 10 808 488

Norway: +47 815 48 232

Sweden: +46 8 793 19 62


IBM Cloud Solutions Sales - Nordic & BeNeLux Countries

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