
The difference between VMs and Containers?

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What are VMs and Containers exactly, and how do they fit into our modern cloud-native way of building and architecting applications?

In the video below, Nigel Brown from IBM Cloud, answers this question and much more in four parts. He also argues why users should not just look at virtual machines and containers as competing technologies because there can be a lot of benefits of having them work together for particular use cases:

Are you curious to learn more about Containers, then visit For more information about VM’s and how they can provide value, please check out

Furthermore, I strongly encourage you to get started on exploring the opportunities with IBM Cloud yourself. At this page, you can sign up and exploit the unique capabilities of the platform with a “Lite account”.

If you have any further questions or inquiries regarding your opportunities with VMs and Containers or a combination of the two, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Advisory IT Architect

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