
Detecting and Preventing Malware and Phishing Attacks

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Organizations are challenged with protecting their customers against cybercrime as they use personal endpoints that are outside the organization’s control. Criminals target this weak link with Man-in-the- Browser (MitB) malware and phishing attacks that enable personal information and credentials theft. This data is later used for account takeover and new account fraud.

Conventional prevention and detection tools such as classic firewalls can have difficulties differentiating between right and wrong – this puts even further risk on employees and hence on the total enterprise. As endpoints, applications and networks per se are getting more and more interconnected one weak link (typically humans are the weakest link) in an IT landscape can create access to everything for an attacker – and this is exactly what the bad guys are trying to utilize! So how can you protect against this, well, read along…

The tools and methods used by attackers are getting more destructive, sophisticated and exploitative, and IBM believe that a holistic security approach is the right solution to stay up to date and protected. IBM’s holistic fraud prevention incorporates account compromise history based on malware and phishing attack data with device reputation and risk factors to accurately detect complex, multi-vector attacks. IBM’s unique visibility to the entire fraud life cycle enables organizations to mitigate fraud risk from the online and mobile channels and eliminate the overhead of forensic investigations and recovery of funds. By eliminating fraud risk, organizations protect their customers’ assets, maximize adoption of online channels, and protect their brand and the overall customer experience.

IBM Security Trusteer endpoint protection solutions eliminate malware from the endpoint and alert users before they submit their credentials to phishing sites. IBM also offers a clientless solution to accurately detect malware infections and phishing incidents in real-time. This detection capability enables customers to take automated fraud mitigation actions and streamline their fraud prevention processes by focusing on truly high risk transactions and account access.

Learn more about phishing attacks and request an assessment/demo for IBM Trusteer Rapport

Contact Ali Yaqoob at for more information on phishing and malware solutions.



Security Strategy Risk & Compliance Lead - Nordics

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