
What’s your cybersecurity style?

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Are you up to date on how to protect yourself and your devices in the digital era?

Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important as hackers and social engineers constantly find new ways to operate and attack individuals as well as organizations.

Therefore, we cannot risk being naive towards the threat of cyber attacks. After all; many of our jobs only exist because of the internet. We’re working on our computers almost every day from 9 to 5 and do our best to keep up with the pace of new digital innovations, the latest apps and IT trends.

Most of us have ourselves or know someone who has, experienced a breach of cybersecurity. Whether a phishing email, or a spearfishing phone call, we’ve had close brushes with cybercriminals, and some of us have suffered losses of data.

How safe have you been online?

Chances are, you’re one of the many people who go to bed looking at your phone as the last thing before sleeping. And that you do exactly the same thing the moment you wake up. We increasingly live on our different devices, trusting them with confidential information and signing over our data to companies and their websites/applications.

But do you really know how to keep yourself safe online?


Test your cybersecurity know-how in this quiz


After completing the 13-question test, you will gain a much better understanding of your cybersecurity influencing actions and online security efforts. Thus, you get specific knowledge about your personal strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, you will get recommendations to improve your online security level to avoid harmful attacks in the future. Please feel free to share the test and the learning material on the site with your family and network to help them improve their online safety as well.

DID YOU READ: Cybersecurity doesn’t need more tools; it needs new rules

Do you like what you’ve learned so far? 

IBM Security is the world’s largest security startup. We’re bringing together artificial intelligence (AI) and the cloud to help businesses and people like you stay safe from cybercrime.

We can also help you. Please visit the IBM Security site to find out how your organization can become safer than ever with first-in-class security services.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Integrated Business Unit Leader Security Denmark at IBM

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