
Critical data management and protection for your journey to the cloud

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We are delighted to invite you to a free learning event with lunch to be held with Veeam at IBM in Holte on the 26th of November: Critical data management and protection for your journey to the cloud.

The hyper-growth of data requires cloud strategies that simplify management and optimize the protection of the data and applications that power your business. See how Veeam with IBM Cloud simplifies data protection and disaster recovery across the datacenter and in the cloud.

In this event, we will share how Veeam quickly and easily:

  • Backs up and recovers workloads to and in the cloud.
  • Cost-effectively manages archiving and long-term retention.
  • Avoids unforeseen dangers lurking in your backups.

DID YOU READ: Hybrid cloud: The best of all worlds

You will furthermore gain insights around critical data management from

What do multi-billion dollar enterprises in the entertainment and shipping industries have in common? knows the answer. They have vast amounts of data that must be protected and available at all times. If data is not protected and available, they risk customer loss, reputational damage, and financial ruin.

Join us for an open discussion of what IBM Cloud with Veeam Intelligent Data Management will do for your business:


Event details:

Date & time: Tuesday the 26th of November at 9 AM, CET.

Venue & address: , Kongevejen 495 B, 2840 Holte, Denmark.

Agenda & registration: See the agenda here and enroll today here.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at We look forward to seeing you!

Country Manager, Cloud & Cognitive

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