
Oxford Union: IBM Watson | Oxford Union

Pepper Robot The Watson-powered Pepper Robot can be equipped with core functionalities as well as a Watson software development kit (SDK) that allows developers and clients to tailor the interaction experience. IBM will give clients access to Watson APIs and various pre-packaged applications designed to address a variety of personal and professional needs. As an example […]

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NAVTICON: Making better decisions with the data at hand

NAVTICON, alongside IBM and IBM Business Partner Danicon ApS, developed an AI-based email scanning solution that delivers greater visibility into the vital business intelligence hidden in unstructured notices regarding cargo and vessel position. And with this information, users can more efficiently fill and route vessels across the globe. Business challenge As shipping companies struggled to […]

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How IBM Watson AI supports Borgun’s international growth

”We can now go beyond the minimum requirements of our regulators and implement internal best practices for fraud monitoring, which will shrink our risk exposure further still. As our markets become more competitive, having a platform such as IBM Safer Payments is crucial to react quickly to meet the new challenges.” – Steen Henriksen, Chief […]

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How is Watson helping businesses across the globe to build a smarter future?

While you might have heard about IBM’s Watson – do you actually know what Watson is? Powered by the latest innovations in machine learning, Watson lets you learn more with less data. You can integrate AI into your most important business processes, informed by IBM’s rich industry expertise. You can build models from scratch, or […]

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IBM X-Force Command Experience – Cyber Security training on wheels

Discover the IBM X-Force Command Experience On your company’s worst day – exposed to a cyber attack – your team needs to act with speed, precision, and confidence. Security first-responders prepare by doing – not only by sitting in a classroom. That’s why IBM created X-Force Command Cyber Tactical Operations Center. It is a first-of-its-kind […]

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Become a BlueSmartie at IBM

Are you familiar with programming, do you understand basic IT architecture and do you want to be a student worker at IBM – working on projects within IoT, Blockchain, Big Data and Watson? Starting last year we ran a pilot in Denmark, where we allowed technically skilled students to work with prototyping on real live […]

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Meet IBM @ High Tech Summit

Following last years succes, IBM will also this year be a major part of the High Tech Summit, powered by DTU (Technical University of Denmark). The summit aims to create the largest research-based meeting place in Denmark within the field of digitization. The conference takes place @DTU Lyngby on on October 10th & 11th. The […]

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Seeing Assets in new ways through Augmented Reality (AR)

IBM is using Augmented Reality with Maximo to capture complex asset maintenance business process in a visual format that can be easily consumed by new workforce entering the organization. This webinar on October 10th will feature a demonstration of a real-world field service use case for predictive maintenance and issue diagnosis. Click here to register […]

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Let’s Put Smart to Work

Let’s Put Smart to Work: By combining talent and technology, people are changing their businesses – and the world. Today, we live in a world filled with smart technology. But it’s only really smart when it’s put to work at scale, from agriculture and conservation to healthcare, security and global trade. Technology has to be […]

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