
Watson Analytic and Watson Analytic for Social Media

Get Real value out of Watson Analytics (WA) and Watson Analytic for Social Media (WASM). This week we are looking closer into both WA and WASM. Watson Analytics WA is data analysis in the cloud. Watson Analytics guides data discovery and predictive analytics with automatic visualizations and enables effortless dashboard creation. To see more about […]

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The Key to the Cognitive Business is here

Last week IBM announced Project DataWorks, a Watson initiative that is the industry’s first cloud-based data and analytics platform to integrate all types of data and enable AI-powered decision-making. Project DataWorks is designed to make it simple for business leaders and data professionals to collect, organize, govern and secure data, so they can gain the insights […]

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IBM Watson at the GoTo Conference in Copenhagen

Most of us met IBM’s cognitive supercomputer “Watson” for the first time at the special Jeopardy show in 2011,  competing – and beating – two former Jeopardy champions. But the real work began after the match – extending Watson’s innovative technologies to tackle societal challenges like improving health care, education and the environment. Watson has […]

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Service Providers – Webinars

We are pleased to announce the launch a series of webinars for Service Providers. These new, live and on demand Enablement Sessions will allow you as our partner to stay ahead of the Technology curve by discovering how IBM offerings and services can support you in building an enhanced Cloud infrastructure and other Solutions for […]

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Finland invests in Watson Health partnership to lead in personal healthcare

Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation and IBM announced on September 14th a partnership that will enable Finland to utilize Watson cognitive computing to help doctors improve the health of its citizens, and strengthen and develop the Finnish innovation and business ecosystem in the fields of health and well-being. To facilitate the collaboration, […]

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