
IBM BusinessConnect 2016

Welcome to the Cognitive era. A new era of technology. A new era of business. A new era of thinking. Join us to see what this means to your role and your industry. See what our clients – your peers, competitors and colleagues – thought of our amazing line up of subject matter experts and […]

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Did you know?

83% of consumers are more likely to do business with brands that allow them to control where, when, and how they interact? (CFI Group) The world has changed; customers are more connected than ever. But keeping interactions consistent across multiple channels and ensuring a consistent experience for consumers is a complex task. So how can […]

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Cognitive IoT – enroll for the next IBM Business Breakfast event in Denmark

Vi fortsætter successen med vores IBM Business Breakfast. Næste event holdes den 14. september i Århus og 15. september i Holte. Næste generation indenfor Internet of Things er på agendaen – nemlig Cognitive Internet of Things. Du får inspiration til og indblik i, hvordan du med vores enestående IoT-platform IBM Watson kan skabe og udvikle […]

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Why you should get enthusiastic about Blockchain?

Blockchain is an interesting phenomenon. It’s a completely new architecture for business and a foundation for building a new generation of transactional applications that establish trust and transparency while streamlining business processes. It has the potential to significantly reduce costs and complexity of your IT investments. What exactly is blockchain? It’s a distributed ledger shared […]

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Security on the go for service providers

As more and more people work from mobile devices, it can be tough for service providers to handle all the vulnerabilities facing business networks. It’s a challenge which affects not only you, but your customers, too. If left unprotected, smartphones and tablets can be the most exposed areas of a company’s network. To cover this, […]

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InterConnect 2016: Opening General Session

Short recap of the InterConnect at Las Vegas written by Dan Kehn A quick recap of this morning’s general session! For the full replay, go to IBMgo. To emphasize the point that InterConnect is really owned by customers, the session was opened by a trio of IBM clients: Westpac, SIEMENS, and Alpha Modus. Alpha Modus […]

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Get Watson Functionalities in Your Unity 3D Apps

Another great collaboration! IBM Watson Developer Cloud now has a SDK for Unity Technologies development platform for 2D & 3D games which makes it possible for you to implement Watson cognitive functionalities into your gaming platform and thereby create a completely new set of cognitive gaming universe Join us on this journey of opportunities… https://developer.ibm.com/open/watson-developer-cloud-unity-sdk/

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New global collaboration between VMware and IBM will make it easier than ever to create and deploy VMware-based Clouds seamlessly

Today, IBM and VMware announced a strategic partnership to accelerate enterprise hybrid cloud adoption. I am so excited about this new partnership, which is unique on the market, that I need to share it as a post since it can benefit both hosting providers and ISV’s to become a truely hybrid Cloud option to their […]

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Frokostseminar med IBM og Cleversafes Storage-eksperter i Holte/København

Massiv interesse for Object Storage i almindelighed og Cleversafe i særdeleshed gør, at IBM og IBM’s nyopkøbte Innovative Object Storage firma, “Cleversafe”, holder et frokostseminar om emnet den 17. marts fra kl.11.15 – 13:15 hos IBM i Holte/København. IBM’s Nordic Storage SDS Technology Advocate, Kim Gregers Petersen glæder sig til, at præsentere sidste nyt sammen […]

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