
IBM Business Continuity Index

IBM Business Continuity and Resiliency Services is committed to delivering better risk management strategies, and raising the profile of business continuity management among the businesses we work with. The IBM Business Continuity Index allows you to take the pulse of your organisation – identifying where improvements can be made, and outlining potential next steps for […]

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SoftLayer, Storage and Backup – Webcasts

Don’t miss the upcoming Webcast series! You can keep you up to date about the latest webcasts and News in joining the professional Network Groups LinkedIn (https://ibm.biz/BdxsjJ) or Xing (https://ibm.biz/Bdxsj3). (Google+ coming soon) 27th of November – Specialty Webcast – Aspera (English – with guest speaker from Aspera) English: https://ibm.biz/BdEZSE ——————————— 4th of December – […]

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Bluemix app challenge!

NOW OPEN FOR SUBMISISONS: Global Bluemix App Challenge! IBM Bluemix is hosting the Global Bluemix App Challenge for developers of all ages and experience levels all over the world during the month of November. And to compete on this global stage and demonstrate their skills. More Information about the Bluemix App Challenge: Submission Date: November […]

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Free IBM Bluemix trial

– A platform where developers can act like kids in a sandbox – except this box is enterprise-grade If you’re a developer, you now have a hand in creating the future. Bluemix offers you all the instant services, runtimes, and infrastructure you need to push your ideas into the present Click here to sign up […]

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Register now for Softlayer for Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

IBM invites software developers, Hosting companies, SaaS, IaaS and any kind of IT Service Providers to join this webcast about how Softlayer can help you scale your business, lean you processes and leverage the IBM brand. SoftLayer is an IBM company and a leading provider of cloud computing infrastructure including dedicated servers, managed hosting and […]

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Softlayer webcasts in November

NEW Softlayer webcast available! 6th of November – Introduction Webcast with focus on Workloads and References (in 5 Languages) At this webcast we will give an insight into the Advantages of SoftLayer: See the advantages of the different infrastructure delivery models How does the BareMetal offering differentiate SoftLayer from other IaaS provider What ways you […]

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NEW Softlayer Webcasts

During the remainder of October two Softlayer webcasts will be held. October 16 about “Introduction to Softlayer – Third Party Network Appliance options” and October 30 about “Disaster Recovery solutions created with SoftLayer”. Only one left in October!(October 30) Sign up for: “Disaster Recovery solutions created with SoftLayer”

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Webinar: New Market Opportunities with SoftLayer & IBM

SoftLayer, an IBM business, is one of the world’s fastest-growing cloud IaaS providers. MSPs in SoftLayer’s partner program are driving much of that growth. Join us to learn how you can push beyond traditional managed services to monetize bursting into the cloud, mobile, social and other services. Watch the webinar On-Demand here Key takeaways: 1. […]

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Softlayer intro (Webcast)

Sign up for this Introduction Webcast with focus on Security and Networking. During this webcast we will show you were to start and give you an insight into the Advantages of SoftLayer. This entails seing the advantages of the different infrastructure delivery models as well as demonstrating how you can utilise SoftLayer’s unique private network. […]

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