
Softlayer webinars in September & October

The cloud isn’t a commodity. Virtual servers aren’t the same everywhere you go. Try the cloud that was built from the ground up to be the best-in-class cloud solution for your business today. In this Webinar IBM’s Robert Stevens demonstrates the benefits of the new Softlayer cloud offering. Agenda includes: What is IBM Softlayer? SoftLayer’s […]

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IBM BusinessConnect 2015 – vuoden merkittävin IT- ja bisnestapahtuma

IBM BusinessConnect -tapahtuma on ladattu täyteen inspiraatiota ja innovaatioita sekä uusia ajatuksia siitä, miten rakennat datasta ja osaamisestasi menestystarinoita. Ohjelmamme keskittyy niihin aihe-alueisiin, joilla on eniten vaikutusta käynnissä olevassa muutoksessa ja joilla uskomme olevan eniten potentiaalia auttaa tarttumaan uusiin mahdollisuuksiin. Aiheita ovat mm: Becoming a Digital Company New Way of Working Financial Transformation Compete with […]

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Softlayer $500 Voucher for New & Existing Customers

Get up to US$500 off the first order towards servers and services in any SoftLayer data center around the world! Contact David Barry for your $500 Voucher! *Offer expires December 31st, 2015. Limit one promo code use per customer. . Offer is prorated by billing cycle for existing customers. (Hint: If you’re an existing customer, […]

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IBM Softlayer Webinar For Managerd Service Providers

Anmäl er och lyssna på hur Softlayer kan komplettera Er nuvarande portfölj och göra er mer konkurrenskraftiga. Thu, Aug 27, 2015 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Länk: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6621204415386883073

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Replay: Big Data & Analytics on IBM Bluemix

While we are spending the summer preparing new and intriguing Bluemix webinars, you can take the opportunity to watch this replay on “Big Data & Analytics on IBM Bluemix”. The recording is from March 03 2015 and covers the following topics: – WHAT IS BLUEMIX – CLOUD POSITIONING – ADVANTAGES – BLUEMIX USER INTERFACE – […]

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IBM Bluemix

Spara in tid på applikationsutveckling och leverera flexibilitet till dina kunder! De senaste molnbaserade innovationerna från IBM sätter en ny nivå av digital smidighet för utvecklare. De ser säkerställer kostnadseffektivitet genom att minska kostnaderna och minska produktionstid. Bluemix erbjuder möjligheter och resurser. Det är en öppen standard för moln plattformar som snabbar upp applikationsutveckling och […]

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Case Story – Sådan halverede Danske Commodities deres infrastruktur budget samtidig med at storage performance er steget med 1000%…

Danske Commodities er en af danmarks hurtigst voksende virksomheder indenfor en branche hvor adgang til data og hurtigheden for beregningerne af data er den vigtigste konkurrence parameter. Derfor har Danske Commodities valgt at arbejde sammen med B4restore, som er blandt Europas absolut førende eksperter på outsourcing af storage og backup håndtering. B4Restore har valgt at […]

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Analyst report: Mobility, the new edge for Cloud Service Providers

Accelerate your revenue, increase your profit and expand your business with IBM SoftLayer Please click on the image to magnify! Read the Forrester report on the Total Economic Impact of SoftLayer for MSP’s Visit our Danish webpage Visit our Finnish webpage Visit our Swedish webpage

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Webinar June 26th “IBM Bluemix overview and demo”

Join us for a 1 hour Bluemix Overview and Demo where we will explorer the capabilities of Bluemix and how it can work for you. During this hour we will spend the first 10-15 minutes explaining the platform and its benefits before diving into a live demo of getting your application deployed and running on […]

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