
IDC and IBM discussed the future of application modernization on SAP

On 28th September 2020, Allan Coulter (IBM’s Global CTO for SAP Services) and John O’Brien (IDC’s European Intelligent Application Services Research Director) shared a fireside chat on the future of application modernization on SAP. Below, John has outlined his thoughts on the topic and the discussion from the webinar: It’s a fascinating and highly relevant […]

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Digitization: A climate sinner or savior?

In this blog, I will discuss how to look at the ICT sector and digitization in relation to CO2-emissions and climate change. “The founding of Netflix is worse for the climate than the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.” That was how the hosts of the Danish national radio program ‘Go’ Morgen P3’ concluded, […]

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IBM and the UN Development Goals in a Global and Danish perspective

IBM and the UN Sustainable Development Goals: Where we stand and what we do On October 24th, it was United Nations Day, celebrating member states’ joint effort to collaborate and solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges. The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals stands as a major guideline for societies, governments, and businesses to […]

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Think Digital Summit Nordic On Demand

Think Digital Summit live event was held on 7th October. If you did not join us then, you can now watch it on demand. To watch the sessions you find interesting, register and start from here. Our Think Digital Summit agenda focused on rethinking how business and society works. We’ve all been given a mandate […]

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How an API management solution can help your enterprise?

That is a crucial question to deal with for companies seeking to manage their entire API “ecosystem” even more efficiently. In the video below, Whitney Lee with IBM Cloud explains in-depth how having an API Management solution can help enterprises better manage the whole lifecycle of their APIs as well as more securely and easily […]

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How “the new normal” will affect leaders’ agendas after COVID-19

COVID-19 has encouraged businesses and society to accelerate their digital leap. There will be no going back once the pandemic is over. COVID-19 has restructured people’s daily lives both at work and outside work. After the initial shock, both individuals and businesses are looking to the future and adapting to “the new normal”. In this […]

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What are the competitive advantages of OpenShift?

OpenShift is a platform that allows you to run containerized applications and workloads, and it is powered by Kubernetes under the covers. There are many flavors available with OpenShift, and each helps streamline the day-to-day tasks for developers and operations engineers. To learn more, check out the quick overview with Sai Vennam in the video […]

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Covid-19 and the future of business in Denmark

We surveyed 173 CxOs from Denmark and had quite interesting observations, that to sum it up – indicates that businesses in other countries are moving faster than we are, to respond effectively to the challenges and learnings from doing business under the pandemic. The Danish survey is part of a larger study that we released […]

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A colleague of mine recently – and half-jokingly – asked: Are cloud platforms the new ransomware?

I’ve worked with IT since the mid-80s, always promoting change and progress toward new solutions and technologies. The advantage of so many years in the industry, as well as an occasional source of frustration, is the ability to see patterns in the adoption of new tech. One positive pattern is organizations’ desire to put their […]

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