
Think exponentially in your sustainability journey

If Denmark is to achieve its goal for 2030 of a 70 percent reduction in CO2 emissions, good intentions and small adjustments in business are not enough. Sustainability must be considered in all layers, and both business models, products and processes must be rethought based on environmental, ethical and circular parameters. The new technologies should […]

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How to Convert Good Intentions to Real Sustainability – Adopt YGWYM!

There’s an old expression that says “You Get What You Measure” (YGWYM).  This may be a little clichéd, but it generally holds true within organizations and processes. It’s our nature as humans to shoot for the objectives that have been set, and it is human nature to pay particular attention to the actionable metrics which are […]

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Digitization: A climate sinner or savior?

In this blog, I will discuss how to look at the ICT sector and digitization in relation to CO2-emissions and climate change. “The founding of Netflix is worse for the climate than the United States’ withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.” That was how the hosts of the Danish national radio program ‘Go’ Morgen P3’ concluded, […]

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The Wave of a Joint Effort Makes All the Difference in the Grand Challenge of Sustainable IT

Today, it is more important than ever that cloud and data center providers such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and us at IBM, are frontrunners in implementing sustainable IT solutions. This means introducing strategies to reduce carbon footprints and consequently cut waste. Thankfully, there is already great focus and consensus around the vitality of addressing the […]

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Collaborating to eliminate the last obstacles for renewable energy

Most of us are well aware of the urgent need to transfer to renewable energy. Instead of debating whether wind and solar power are adequately efficient, discussions these days focus on the difficulty of matching power supply to consumption. In other words, today we cannot control or plan intermittent renewable electricity production, so it fits […]

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The Sustainable Enterprise

The Sustainable Enterprise Environmental sustainability is no longer just a corporate social responsibility issue — it’s a business imperative. In fact, environmental strategy choices, as a subset of a broader sustainability agenda and purpose, increasingly define a company’s competitiveness. Customers and employees have become much more environmentally conscious. A recent study by IBM found that nearly 80 percent of […]

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Why is Iceland the best fit for sustainable IT?

Today, our highly digitized society processes data on a constant basis from technologies such as AI, blockchain, machine learning, IoT, and the like. This global trend is not forecasted to slow down, but rather continue to increase at a rapid rate, inducing a pressure on identifying apt facilities, i.e. data centers, to uphold these advancements. […]

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Aurora DataCloud – Climate friendly storage for large volumes of data in an indefinite time

Aurora DataCloud from Origo is a pioneering, cost-effective storage solution. It has minimal effect on the climate as it runs on renewable energy to reduce carbon footprint with up to 90% compared to traditional storage solutions.  Back in February, I outlined some of the key elements on why Iceland is the coolest location for data centers. […]

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CSR that REALLY makes a difference

CSR that REALLY makes a difference IBM has a tradition of philanthropy and cause-based community work. But a new variety of more direct engagement with the humanitarian world has taken root in the form of its three-year-old IBM Research Science for Social Good initiative, which partners IBM Research scientists and engineers with academic fellows, subject […]

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