Quantum Computing

Quantum Gaming is here – Learnings from the Quantum Game Jam

In February 2019 in Helsinki, we held The Quantum Wheel – Quantum Game Jam. We had 50+ participants around the world and 10 teams finished their games in less than 48 hours. This event really underlined that we are at the very beginning of what promises to be a new era combining games, the gaming […]

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IBM Q Open House Event

Quantum Computing is here Maybe not yet as a mainstream computing platform, but in the case of IBM Q as a useful and stable platform for everyone to use. It is working, toolkits are ready and YOU can actually get access though IBM Cloud. On April 3rd, 2019, we want to present to you how […]

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Building your quantum capability

Initiating a quantum collaboration Quantum computing has the potential to solve difficult business problems that classical computers cannot. Within five years, analysts estimate that 20 percent of organizations will be budgeting for quantum computing projects and, within a decade, quantum computing may be a USD15 billion industry. To place your organization in the vanguard of change, […]

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IBM Unveils Groundbreaking Quantum Computing System

IBM Q System One enables universal approximate superconducting quantum computers to operate outside the research lab for the first time. It’s a major step forward in the commercialization of quantum computing, which could one day enable breakthroughs in such areas as materials and drug discovery, financial services, and artificial intelligence. Watch the video below to […]

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50 Qs with IBM Q

Meet the scientists behind the IBM Q quantum computing systems as they answer 50 questions, one for each qubit in IBM Q. Learn about qubits, dilution refrigerators, even the secret handshake to get into the lab. Watch the video below and get an answer to: What is Quantum? IBM Q is an industry first initiative to […]

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BREAKTHROUGH TO IMPACT – Invitational event in Paris

MIT Technology Review, the authority and leader of global discourse on emerging technologies backed by the preeminent technology institute, has teamed up with IBM, the world’s premier cognitive solutions and cloud platform company, to launch the Innovation Leaders Summit and make impact.  The summit presents a carefully curated analysis of cutting – edge technologies in […]

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IBM and Disruption capabilities go hand in hand

A few years back I saw an entertaining show by Dietmar Dahmen. He reminded me about the fact that we have seen disruption in the evolution of which we have been part.The invention of the wheel, adding a horse in front of a wagon and later when the wagon turned into a car driven by […]

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The Age of Quantum Computing is (almost) here…

We are on the verge of the Quantum Computing Age, and companies like JP Morgan, Volkswagen and many others are already experimenting with Quantum Computing to solve so far unsolvable problems. In an 18 minutes podcast , produced by WJS, you get a very good and short introduction to quantum computing, how it works and […]

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