
The new Norway must build on the old one

Computer technology is changing the world, but in pursuit of the new Norway, it is easy to forget that most of the future solutions will be built in interaction with the old one Under the theme “The hunt for the new Norway”, NTNU, Sintef, Tekna and the Research Council of Norway will arrange the traditional […]

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IBM Unveils Groundbreaking Quantum Computing System

IBM Q System One enables universal approximate superconducting quantum computers to operate outside the research lab for the first time. It’s a major step forward in the commercialization of quantum computing, which could one day enable breakthroughs in such areas as materials and drug discovery, financial services, and artificial intelligence. Watch the video below to […]

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IBM tech predictions for 2019

Drawing on IBM’s unmatched capabilities to meet clients’ most pressing needs, here are five of the most important tech predictions for 2019 that cut across AI, blockchain, regulation, quantum computing and hybrid cloud: Blockchain goes mainstream… quietly In 2019, consumers will begin to see blockchain applied to a variety of everyday uses, but they probably won’t […]

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Christmas, a time for Nostalgia

Holidays often brings a sense of nostalgia for times passed, things we’ve done and wishes we had. This feeling helps us feel connected, not just through this festive season but at other times too. IBM has been around for many Christmas’s; how many other companies have an archive web page that goes back to 1880!? […]

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IBM & DRC – Where Technology meets Humanity

Mixed Migration Foresight How has the Danish Refugee Council been awarded an Impact Grant through IBM’s CSR program? This is through the project  Mixed Migration Foresight (MM4Sight) that aims at developing conceptual, tech-driven, probabilistic methodology utilizing fact-based datasets from multiple sources and combined with first hand observations and expert judgment. The intend with the project […]

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Oxford Union: IBM Watson | Oxford Union

Pepper Robot The Watson-powered Pepper Robot can be equipped with core functionalities as well as a Watson software development kit (SDK) that allows developers and clients to tailor the interaction experience. IBM will give clients access to Watson APIs and various pre-packaged applications designed to address a variety of personal and professional needs. As an example […]

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How IBM Watson AI supports Borgun’s international growth

”We can now go beyond the minimum requirements of our regulators and implement internal best practices for fraud monitoring, which will shrink our risk exposure further still. As our markets become more competitive, having a platform such as IBM Safer Payments is crucial to react quickly to meet the new challenges.” – Steen Henriksen, Chief […]

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Call for Code

INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY FOR GOOD The issue: Natural disaster preparedness and relief. How will you answer the call?   The Call for Code Global Initiative is the largest and most ambitious effort to bring startup, academic, and enterprise developers together and inspiring them to solve one of the most pressing societal issues of our time: […]

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