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Incumbents strike back in their fight against start-ups

Digital transformation is affecting businesses. But it’s not a heart-stopping shakeup. It’s an eye-opening opportunity. Find new paths to Digital Reinvention™ in the 19th edition of the IBM Global C-suite Study “Incumbents Strike Back: Insights from the Global C-suite Study,”  . Based on conversations with more than 12,854 CxOs worldwide, of which 3457 from Europe […]

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Artificial intelligence and rat traps are not two things that you naturally want to connect

Artificial intelligence and rat traps are not two things that you naturally want to connect, but together they make a new, poison-free method of fighting rats. Throughout 2018, Køge Municipality will test this method with 350 intelligent traps. We are proud of our Business Partner Arctic System, who has developed and produced RATMO, a Rat […]

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IBM Watson Developer Cloud Workshop for IBM Business Partners!

IBM invites you to join our IBM Watson Developer Cloud Workshop on the 14th and 15th of March 2018 at IBM Client Center Holte. The IBM Watson Developer Cloud Getting Started Workshop is a 2 day hands-on event to help IBM Business Partners understand IBM’s Cognitive Computing point of view and how IBM Watson on […]

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Why Application Scanning is Important for Your Organization

Web applications are often proven to be one of the weakest links in overall corporate security, hence web application scanning is an important measurement in order to prevent and detect vulnerabilities in web applications. Corporations use millions of dollars in security, but sadly, hackers have been successful in finding a gaping hole in the corporate […]

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It is time to modernize your legacy applications for cloud

Cloud adoption has grown tremendously, lowering costs in IT operations and significantly improving the application delivery speed. A cloud journey can start by shifting the development of new applications to cloud. The entry barrier is low. A more complex and difficult phase of the journey is transforming the existing application landscape for cloud. Legacy applications […]

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The Age of Quantum Computing is (almost) here…

We are on the verge of the Quantum Computing Age, and companies like JP Morgan, Volkswagen and many others are already experimenting with Quantum Computing to solve so far unsolvable problems. In an 18 minutes podcast , produced by WJS, you get a very good and short introduction to quantum computing, how it works and […]

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IBM Cloud for Skytap Solutions

The Retail industry is facing increased demand for modernizing traditional, business critical applications. To deliver on these requirements, are not always easy and a new approach was needed.  To begin assisting retail organizations with application modernization, IBM recently signed a contract with large, global  retailer to help improve their innovation velocity by modernizing their approach […]

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Deliver just in time business with IBM EDI

IBM Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Services provide visibility into your invoices, orders, messages, inventory and onboarding facilities. You can implement one process for all trading partners, regardless of their size or technical expertise. Reduce or even eliminate the manual processes involved in the exchange of paper documents, faxes and phone calls with customers and suppliers. […]

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Open for Business – New IBM Cloud Garage in Copenhagen

As the new Cloud Leader for IBM in the Nordics, my start in the role could not be better than with the official opening of the 10th IBM Cloud Garage, the newest, located in Copenhagen to serve Nordic clients. What is a Garage and how does it help clients? About four years ago we launched […]

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