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Trust and transparency to the food we all eat

Learn how IBM Food Trust makes the world’s food supply more safe, smart and sustainable with blockchain! IBM Food Trust creates pioneering visibility and accountability in the food supply industry. It is the first network of its kind to connect farmers, processors, distributors, and retailers through shared record of food system data. In the video […]

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Tech revolution brings consumers back to stores

The retail landscape is increasingly complex, crowded, and competitive. The most successful companies today are tackling these challenges head on and turning them into opportunities to stand out. A recent survey (1.900 consumer products and retail executives – of which 7% from Nordics) conducted by IBM Institute for Business Value and NRF – the National Retail […]

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IBM Unveils Groundbreaking Quantum Computing System

IBM Q System One enables universal approximate superconducting quantum computers to operate outside the research lab for the first time. It’s a major step forward in the commercialization of quantum computing, which could one day enable breakthroughs in such areas as materials and drug discovery, financial services, and artificial intelligence. Watch the video below to […]

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Streamline contract management with Watson AI

The intensive nature of managing procurement contracts is so well-known that it’s almost invisible. Yet it’s still costly. Firms can lose as much as 40% of value in a given deal as a result of inefficient contracting. There’s a solution. Watson Compare & Comply helps businesses streamline contract management. Watch the video below to see […]

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Proactive support – Keeps your business going

In our everyday lives, we face countless challenges which considered the scarcity of time, should not be wasted on IT related problems. In today’s’ business landscape, organizations need reliable support. That is what IBM Technical Support Services can offer you. At IBM we pride ourselves on putting the customer first and strive to deliver the […]

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6 Predictions On Trends For Cybersecurity in 2019

It being January predictions are a hot topic in general. With regards what sort of trends will occur in general in the Cybersecurity space see below 6 Predictions on this for 2019 from csoonline.com that represent the hopes (and fears) for the infosecworld for the coming year: “Ransomware Will Taper Off But Still Cause Havoc” Ransomware will be […]

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50 Qs with IBM Q

Meet the scientists behind the IBM Q quantum computing systems as they answer 50 questions, one for each qubit in IBM Q. Learn about qubits, dilution refrigerators, even the secret handshake to get into the lab. Watch the video below and get an answer to: What is Quantum? IBM Q is an industry first initiative to […]

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Event: Come together and THINK

Think is where you’ll meet the people that are changing business. So join us, and be a part of the change agents. Sharpen your skills. Get hands-on experience with the latest technology. Extend your professional network into one of the world’s most celebrated communities of technologists and thought leaders. And have some fun while you’re […]

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NextBriefing: Security

All over the world digital transformation is forcing business leaders to take action regarding risk, security and continuity in order to protect customers and business itself. According to IDC’s Nordic security survey, 45% of businesses have experienced a data breach which compromised customer relations and destroyed digital trust. Today it is a matter of when, not if, […]

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