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Join us in Iceland for Cloud/AI event hosted by Origo

Origo and IBM will host an event in Iceland, where the value of Cloud, Cloud Paks, and AI will be presented to existing and future customers. Likewise, how cloud and AI technology can optimize business operations, will be addressed with the use of slides and demos. The event will take place on February 13th. Speakers […]

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20/20 vision for the 2020 CIO

The world is in a “golden age” of technological advancements. Both personal and organizational relationships are reimagined through digitization. These years enterprises embrace collaboration and commerce by exponentially empowering new connections among expansive ecosystems of employees, customers and partners; this era demands that businesses reinvent themselves within, and on the cloud. Furthermore, a new kind […]

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Simplify and enhance your data security with Guardium Insights

Operating in or entering a hybrid multi-cloud platform environment may present difficulties in keeping up with data security and compliance. The key elements of this puzzle are data risk visibility, centralized controls and rapid response and remediation. To help stay on top of potential threats, the next generation of IBM Security Guardium, Guardium Insights, has […]

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IBM’s five predictions: How AI will evolve in 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) have experienced groundbreaking scientific advances in recent years. The development has been wide-ranging, thus it includes everything from significant improvements in processing power and computational efficiency to new insights into language, deep learning and object identification. IBM have been leaders in AI research for several decades and have helped push many of […]

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Sign up for IBM’s upcoming TechU events

In 2020, IBM will continue to offer IBM Systems Technical University events all around the globe. Here are three handpicked TechU events that take place in Europe and the US. As always, the TechU events will include highly skilled teams, empowered with technology and best practices. Furthermore, organizations will be supported to attain higher profitability […]

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Remember: Think 2020 in San Francisco

Back in November, I invited you, our costumers and partners from the Nordic region to IBM Think 2020 in San Francisco (read the blog here). Today I want to share with you a video that gives you a glimpse of what you can expect at our flagship event. The event is a great opportunity to […]

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IBM Maximo – Transparent Asset Management with Predictive Analytics

In this blog post, I will try to explain the benefits of the IBM Maximo Assets Management solution, and the importance of transparency, as well as predictive analytics in the operational environment. IBM Maximo Maximo is a market-leading platform, incorporating analytics tools and IoT data to improve operational availability and reduce risks. With Maximo, you […]

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Worldwide IBM Storage Launch in Stockholm

Worldwide IBM Storage Launch in Stockholm On February 11th, 2020, we are hosting the first exciting worldwide launch from IBM Storage in this new decade. The launch will take place at “Posthuset” in Stockholm. It will be an extraordinary chance for existing and potential customers as well as partners to meet and greet with our […]

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A new year with tech-savvy news

At the IBM Digital Nordic blog, we hope you all have enjoyed your holidays. At the same time, we wish you a happy 2020. This year we, once again, look forward to keeping you all updated with the latest tech-savvy IBM related news, events and product portfolio knowledge. We will do this by sharing insights […]

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